/*Published: 03/01/2021*/ /* */ /********************** COMMENTS ***********************************/ /* THIS INPUT STATMENT IS FOR THE SEER-CAHPS LINKAGE. */ /* IF YOU RECEIVED PART D FILES BEFORE MARCH 2021 THEN YOU WILL */ /* NEED A DIFFERENT INPUT STATEMENT. PLEASE CONTACT IMS VIA E-MAIL AT */ /* SEER-MEDICARE@IMSWEB.COM AND AN INPUT STATEMENT WILL BE SENT TO YOU */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Please Note: If you are using PC SAS to read in these files you */ /* will have to un-zip the files first and use the un-zipped filename */ /* statement, rather than using the zipped files and statement. */ /* */ /* This version is for the PDE Event claims file for 2012-2013. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ *filename pdein '/directory/pdesaf2013.txt'; /*reading in an un-zipped file*/ *filename pdein pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/pdesaf2013.txt.gz'; /*reading in a zipped file*/ *filename pdein pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/pdesaf*.txt.gz'; /*using wildcard to match multiple files */ options nocenter validvarname=upcase; data pdesaf; infile pdein lrecl=361 missover pad; input @00001 PDE_ID $char15. /* Encrypted */ @00016 patient_id $CHAR15. /* Patient ID (for either Cancer or Non-Cancer Patients) */ @00031 SRVC_DT $char8. /* YYMMDD8 */ @00039 PD_DT $char8. /* YYMMDD8 */ @00047 PROD_SRVC_ID $char19. @00066 PLAN_CNTRCT_REC_ID $char5. @00071 PLAN_PBP_REC_NUM $char3. @00074 CMPND_CD 2. @00076 DAW_PROD_SLCTN_CD $char1. @00077 QTY_DSPNSD_NUM 12.3 @00089 DAYS_SUPLY_NUM 3. @00092 FILL_NUM 3. @00095 DSPNSNG_STUS_CD $char1. @00096 DRUG_CVRG_STUS_CD $char1. @00097 PRCNG_EXCPTN_CD $char1. @00098 CTSTRPHC_CVRG_CD $char1. @00099 GDC_BLW_OOPT_AMT 10.2 @00109 GDC_ABV_OOPT_AMT 10.2 @00119 PTNT_PAY_AMT 10.2 @00129 OTHR_TROOP_AMT 10.2 @00139 LICS_AMT 10.2 @00149 PLRO_AMT 10.2 @00159 CVRD_D_PLAN_PD_AMT 10.2 @00169 NCVRD_PLAN_PD_AMT 10.2 @00179 TOT_RX_CST_AMT 10.2 @00189 BN $char30. @00219 GCDF $char2. @00221 GCDF_DESC $char40. @00261 STR $char10. @00271 GNN $char30. @00301 BENEFIT_PHASE $char2. @00303 CCW_PHARMACY_ID 12. @00315 CCW_PRSCRBR_ID 12. @00327 PDE_PRSCRBR_ID_FRMT_CD $char1. @00328 FORMULARY_ID $char8. @00336 FRMLRY_RX_ID $char8. @00344 RX_ORGN_CD $char1. @00345 RPTD_GAP_DSCNT_NUM 10.2 @00355 BRND_GNRC_CD $char1. @00356 PHRMCY_SRVC_TYPE_CD $char2. @00358 PTNT_RSDNC_CD $char2. @00360 SUBMSN_CLR_CD $char2. ; label PDE_ID = "Encrypted 723 PDE ID" patient_id = "Patient ID" SRVC_DT = "RX Service Date (DOS)" PD_DT = "Paid Date" PROD_SRVC_ID = "Product Service ID" PLAN_CNTRCT_REC_ID = "Plan Contract Record ID" PLAN_PBP_REC_NUM = "Plan PBP Record Number" CMPND_CD = "Compound Code" DAW_PROD_SLCTN_CD = "Dispense as Written (DAW) Product Selection Code" QTY_DSPNSD_NUM = "Quantity Dispensed" DAYS_SUPLY_NUM = "Days Supply" FILL_NUM = "Fill Number" DSPNSNG_STUS_CD = "Dispensing Status Code" DRUG_CVRG_STUS_CD = "Drug Coverage Status Code" PRCNG_EXCPTN_CD = "Pricing Exception Code" CTSTRPHC_CVRG_CD = "Catastrophic Coverage Code" GDC_BLW_OOPT_AMT = "Gross Drug Cost Below Out-of-Pocket Threshold (GDCB)" GDC_ABV_OOPT_AMT = "Gross Drug Cost Above Out-of-Pocket Threshold (GDCA)" PTNT_PAY_AMT = "Patient Pay Amount" OTHR_TROOP_AMT = "Other TrOOP Amount" LICS_AMT = "Low Income Cost Sharing Subsidy Amount (LICS)" PLRO_AMT = "Patient Liability Reduction Due to Other Payer Amount (PLRO)" CVRD_D_PLAN_PD_AMT = "Covered D Plan Paid Amount (CPP)" NCVRD_PLAN_PD_AMT = "Non-Covered Plan Paid Amount (NPP)" TOT_RX_CST_AMT = "Gross Drug Cost" BN = "Brand Name" GCDF = "Dosage Form Code" GCDF_DESC = "Dosage Form Code Description" STR = "Drug Strength Description" GNN = "Generic Name - Short Version" BENEFIT_PHASE = "The benefit phase of the Part D Event" CCW_PHARMACY_ID = "CCW Pharmacy ID from Pharmacy Characteristics File" CCW_PRSCRBR_ID = "CCW Prescriber ID from Prescriber Characteristics File" PDE_PRSCRBR_ID_FRMT_CD = "PDE Prescriber ID Format Code" FORMULARY_ID = "Formulary ID. First Column of Composite Foreign Key to Formulary File" FRMLRY_RX_ID = "Formulary Rx ID. Second Column of Composite Foreign Key to Formulary File" RX_ORGN_CD = "Prescription Origin Code" RPTD_GAP_DSCNT_NUM = "Gap Discount Amount reported by the Submitting Plan" BRND_GNRC_CD = "The Brand-Generic Code reported by the submitting plan" PHRMCY_SRVC_TYPE_CD = "Pharmacy Service Type Code" PTNT_RSDNC_CD = "Patient Residence Code" SUBMSN_CLR_CD = "Submission Clarification Code" ; run; proc contents data=pdesaf position; run;