/*Published: 06/07/2019*/ /***********************************************************************/ /* PEDSF INPUT STATEMENT FOR CAHPS ANALYSIS. IF YOU RECEIVED THE PEDSF*/ /* FILE BEFORE SEPTEMBER 2017 THEN YOU WILL NEED A DIFFERENT INPUT */ /* STATEMENT. PLEASE CONTACT IMS VIA E-MAIL */ /* SEER_MEDICARE@IMSWEB.COM AND AN INPUT STATEMENT WILL BE SENT TO */ /* YOU. */ /***********************************************************************/ *filename inped '/directory/CAHPS.pedsf.cancer.txt'; /*reading in an unzipped file*/ filename inped pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/CAHPS.pedsf.cancer.txt.gz'; /*reading in a zipped file*/ options nocenter validvarname=upcase; data pedsf(drop=i pos begin end inc p inc2); infile inped lrecl=4856 missover pad; input @0001 pHIC $char11. @0012 mat_type $char1. @0013 yobflg1 $char1. @0014 dobflg2 $char1. @0015 yodflg3 $char1. @0016 sexflg4 $char1. @0017 lstflg5 $char1. @0018 fstflg6 $char1. @0019 mobflg7 $char1. @0020 midflg8 $char1. @0021 numdigit $char1. @0022 dod_flg $char1. @0023 dob_flg $char1. @0025 med_dodm $char2. @0027 med_dodd $char2. @0029 med_dody $char4. @0033 birthm $char2. @0035 birthyr $char4. @0039 m_sex $char1. @0040 race $char1. @0041 rsncd1 $char1. @0042 cur_ent $char1. @0043 cur_yr $char4. @0047 chr_esrd $char1. @0048 chr_esrd_yr $char4. @0052 first_esrd_yr $char4. @0056 med_stcd $char2. @0058 medst_yr $char4. @0062 STATE $char2. @0064 COUNTY $char3. @0067 code_sys $char1. @0068 enctrt90 $char6. /*encrypted census tract 1990. Special permission is needed to get unencrypted census code*/ /* LINK 2016 - CHANGED variable name from tract to tract1990*/ @0074 enctrt00 $char6. /*encrypted census tract 2000. Special permission is needed to get unencrypted census code*/ /* LINK 2016 - CHANGED variable name from tract2k to tract2000*/ @0080 enctrt10 $char6. /*encrypted census tract 2010. Special permission is needed to get unencrypted census code*/ /*added in 2014 linkage*/ @0086 HSA $char3. @0089 URBRUR $char1. @0090 URBAN $char2. @0092 S_SEX $char1. @0095 RAC_RECY $char1. @0096 RAC_RECA $char1. @0098 ICD_CODE $char1. @0099 COD89V $char4. @0103 COD10V $char4. @0107 codkm $char5. @0112 codpub $char5. @0117 nhiade $char1. @0118 SER_DODM $char2. @0120 SER_DODY $char4. @0124 sRACE $char2. @0127 origrecb $char1. @0128 STAT_REC $char1. @0129 ctcert90 $char1. @0130 ctcert00 $char1. @0131 ctcert10 $char1. @0132 census_pov_ind $char1. @0133 yr_brth $char4. @0137 dbrflag $char2. @0139 COUNT $char2. @0141 RESNREC $char1. @0142 YEAR_LAST_SVY $char4. @0146 (plan07_01-plan07_12) ($char1.) @0158 (dual07_01-dual07_12) ($char2.) @0182 ptd07 $char2. @0184 dualcnt07 $char2. @0186 (plan08_01-plan08_12) ($char1.) @0198 (dual08_01-dual08_12) ($char2.) @0222 ptd08 $char2. @0224 dualcnt08 $char2. @0226 (plan09_01-plan09_12) ($char1.) @0238 (dual09_01-dual09_12) ($char2.) @0262 ptd09 $char2. @0264 dualcnt09 $char2. @0266 (plan10_01-plan10_12) ($char1.) @0278 (dual10_01-dual10_12) ($char2.) @0302 ptd10 $char2. @0304 dualcnt10 $char2. @0306 (plan11_01-plan11_12) ($char1.) @0318 (dual11_01-dual11_12) ($char2.) @0342 ptd11 $char2. @0344 dualcnt11 $char2. @0346 (plan12_01-plan12_12) ($char1.) @0358 (dual12_01-dual12_12) ($char2.) @0382 ptd12 $char2. @0384 dualcnt12 $char2. @0386 (plan13_01-plan13_12) ($char1.) @0398 (dual13_01-dual13_12) ($char2.) @0422 ptd13 $char2. @0424 dualcnt13 $char2. @0426 (plan14_01-plan14_12) ($char1.) @0438 (dual14_01-dual14_12) ($char2.) @0462 ptd14 $char2. @0464 dualcnt14 $char2. @0466 (plan15_01-plan15_12) ($char1.) @0478 (dual15_01-dual15_12) ($char2.) @0502 ptd15 $char2. @0504 dualcnt15 $char2. @; inc=506; retain begin end; begin=1; end=12; array entac(20) $ 2 ptacnt1996-ptacnt2015; array entbc(20) $ 2 ptbcnt1996-ptbcnt2015; array hmoc(20) $ 2 hmocnt1996-hmocnt2015; array stbuyc(20) $ 2 stbuycnt1996-stbuycnt2015; array entm(240) $ 1 ent1-ent240; array hmom(240) $ 1 hmo1-hmo240; array stbuym(240) $ 1 stbuy1-stbuy240; do i = 1 to 20; do p = begin to end; input @inc entm(p) $char1. @inc + 12 hmom(p) $char1. @inc + 24 stbuym(p) $char1. @; inc=inc + 1; end; begin = begin + 12; end = end + 12; input @inc + 24 entac(i) $char2. @inc + 26 entbc(i) $char2. @inc + 28 hmoc(i) $char2. @inc + 30 stbuyc(i) $char2. @; inc=inc + 32; end; array enzips5(20) $ 5 enzip5_1996-enzip5_2015; array enzips4(20) $ 4 enzip4_1996-enzip4_2015; array registry(20) $ 2 registry1996-registry2015; array regcd2(20) $ 2 reg2cd1996-reg2cd2015; array st_edb(20) $ 2 state1996-state2015; array cnty_edb(20) $ 3 cnty1996-cnty2015; array urbans(20) $ 2 urban1996-urban2015; array urbrurs(20) $ 1 urbrur1996-urbrur2015; inc2= 1386; do i = 1 to 20; input @inc2 st_edb(i) $char2. @inc2 + 2 cnty_edb(i) $char3. @inc2 + 5 enzips5(i) $char5. @inc2 +10 enzips4(i) $char4. @inc2 +14 urbans(i) $char2. @inc2 +16 urbrurs(i) $char1. @inc2 +17 registry(i) $char2. @inc2 +19 regcd2(i) $char2. @; inc2=inc2+21; end; array regdx(10) $ reg1-reg10; array marst(10) $ marst1-marst10; array agedx(10) $ agedx1-agedx10; array seq(10) $ seq1-seq10; array modx(10) $ modx1-modx10; array yrdx(10) $ yrdx1-yrdx10; array site(10) $ site1-site10; array lat(10) $ lat1-lat10; array hist_2(10) $ hist2_1-hist2_10; array beh_2(10) $ beh2_1-beh2_10; array hist(10) $ hist1-hist10; array beh(10) $ beh1-beh10; array grade(10) $ grade1-grade10; array dxconf(10) $ dxconf1-dxconf10; array src(10) $ src1-src10; array e10sz(10) $ e10sz1-e10sz10; array e10ex(10) $ e10ex1-e10ex10; array e10pe(10) $ e10pe1-e10pe10; array e10nd(10) $ e10nd1-e10nd10; array e10pn(10) $ e10pn1-e10pn10; array e10ne(10) $ e10ne1-e10ne10; array eod13(10) $ eod13_1-eod13_10; array eod2(10) $ eod2_1-eod2_10; array e4siz(10) $ e4siz1-e4siz10; array e4ext(10) $ e4ext1-e4ext10; array e4nod(10) $ e4nod1-e4nod10; array eodcde(10) $ eod_cd1-eod_cd10; array tumor1(10) $ tumor1_1-tumor1_10; array tumor2(10) $ tumor2_1-tumor2_10; array tumor3(10) $ tumor3_1-tumor3_10; array cstum(10) $ cstum1-cstum10; array csex(10) $ csex1-csex10; array cslym(10) $ cslym1-cslym10; array csmet(10) $ csmet1-csmet10; array cssite1(10) $ cs1st1-cs1st10; array cssite2(10) $ cs2st1-cs2st10; array cssite3(10) $ cs3st1-cs3st10; array cssite4(10) $ cs4st1-cs4st10; array cssite5(10) $ cs5st1-cs5st10; array cssite6(10) $ cs6st1-cs6st10; array cssite25(10) $ cs25st1-cs25st10; array dajccts(10) $ dajcct1-dajcct10; array dajccns(10) $ dajccn1-dajccn10; array dajccms(10) $ dajccm1-dajccm10; array dajcstg(10) $ dajccstg1-dajccstg10; array dss77s(10) $ dss77s1-dss77s10; array dss00s(10) $ dss00s1-dss00s10; array dajcflg(10) $ dajcflg1-dajcflg10; array dss77f(10) $ dss77f1-dss77f10; array dss00f(10) $ dss00f1-dss00f10; array csvf(10) $ csvf1-csvf10; array csvl(10) $ csvl1-csvl10; array cscur(10) $ cscurrent1-cscurrent10; array sxprif(10) $ sxprif1-sxprif10; array sxscof(10) $ sxscof1-sxscof10; array sxsitf(10) $ sxsitf1-sxsitf10; array numnd(10) $ numnd1-numnd10; array nosrg(10) $ nosrg1-nosrg10; array rad(10) $ rad1-rad10; array radbrn(10) $ radbrn1-radbrn10; array radsurg(10) $ radsurg1-radsurg10; array sssurg(10) $ sssurg1-sssurg10; array sxscop(10) $ sxscop1-sxscop10; array sxsite(10) $ sxsite1-sxsite10; array rec_num(10) $ recnum1-recnum10; array ositage(10) $ ositage1-ositage10; array oseqcon(10) $ oseqcon1-oseqcon10; array oseqlat(10) $ oseqlat1-oseqlat10; array osurcon(10) $ osurcon1-osurcon10; array osittyp(10) $ osittyp1-osittyp10; array hbenign(10) $ hbenign1-hbenign10; array orptsrc(10) $ orptsrc1-orptsrc10; array odfsite(10) $ odfsite1-odfsite10; array oleukdx(10) $ oleukdx1-oleukdx10; array ositbeh(10) $ ositbeh1-ositbeh10; array oeoddt(10) $ oeoddt1-oeoddt10; array ositeod(10) $ ositeod1-ositeod10; array ositmor(10) $ ositmor1-ositmor10; array typefu(10) $ typefu1-typefu10; array ager(10) $ ager1-ager10; array sterwho(10) $ siterwho1-siterwho10; array icd09(10) $ icdot09_1-icdot09_10; array icd10(10) $ icdot10_1-icdot10_10; array ICCC3_WH(10) $ ICCC3WHO1-ICCC3WHO10; array ICC3X_WH(10) $ ICC3XWHO1-ICC3XWHO10; array behtrnd(10) $ behtrend1-behtrend10; array histrecs(10) $ histrec1-histrec10; array hisrcb(10) $ hisrcb1-hisrcb10; array cs04sch(10) $ cs04sch1-cs04sch10; array hstst(10) $ hstst1-hstst10; array ajccstg(10) $ ajccstg1-ajccstg10; array aj3sr(10) $ aj3sr1-aj3sr10; array sss77(10) $ sss77v1-sss77v10; array sssm2z(10) $ sssm2Z1-sssm2Z10; array frstprm(10) $ frstprm1-frstprm10; array statecd(10) $ statecd1-statecd10; array cnty(10) $ cnty1-cnty10; array ihscd(10) $ ihscd1-ihscd10; array sum2k(10) $ summ2k1-summ2k10; array aya_who(10) $ ayawho1-ayawho10; array lym_who(10) $ lymwho1-lymwho10; array vsrtdx(10) $ vsrtdx1-vsrtdx10; array odthcls(10) $ odthclass1-odthclass10; array csts(10) $ csts1-csts10; array csrg(10) $ csrg1-csrg10; array csmt(10) $ csmt1-csmt10; array intprims(10) $ intprim1-intprim10; array erstat(10) $ erstat1-erstat10; array prstat(10) $ prstat1-prstat10; array cssch(10) $ cssch1-cssch10; array cssite8(10) $ cs8st1-cs8st10; array cssite10(10) $ cs10st1-cs10st10; array cssite11(10) $ cs11st1-cs11st10; array cssite13(10) $ cs13st1-cs13st10; array cssite15(10) $ cs15st1-cs15st10; array cssite16(10) $ cs16st1-cs16st10; array vasinvv(10) $ vasinv1-vasinv10; array srvm(10) $ srvm1-srvm10; array srvmflag(10) $ srvmflag1-srvmflag10; array insrecpb(10) $ insrecpb1-insrecpb10; array dajcc7ts(10) $ dajcc7t1-dajcc7t10; array dajcc7ns(10) $ dajcc7n1-dajcc7n10; array dajcc7ms(10) $ dajcc7m1-dajcc7m10; array dajcc7(10) $ dajcc7_01-dajcc7_10; array adjajc6t(10) $ adjajc6t1-adjajc6t10; array adjajc6n(10) $ adjajc6n1-adjajc6n10; array adjajc6m(10) $ adjajc6m1-adjajc6m10; array adjajc6(10) $ adjajc6_01-adjajc6_10; array cssite7(10) $ cs7st1-cs7st10; array cssite9(10) $ cs9st1-cs9st10; array cssite12(10) $ cs12st1-cs12st10; array her2rec(10) $ her2rec1-her2rec10; array brstsub(10) $ brstsub1-brstsub10; array anarbor(10) $ annarbor1-annarbor10; array csmetb(10) $ csmetsdxb_pub1-csmetsdxb_pub10; array csmetbr(10) $ csmetsdxbr_pub1-csmetsdxbr_pub10; array csmetliv(10) $ csmetsdxliv_pub1-csmetsdxliv_pub10; array csmetlun(10) $ csmetsdxlung_pub1-csmetsdxlung_pub10; array tvalue(10) $ t_value1-t_value10; array nvalue(10) $ n_value1-n_value10; array mvalue(10) $ m_value1-m_value10; /*not public but on PEDSF and released*/ array ddxflg(10) $ ddxflag1-ddxflag10; array dthflg(10) $ dthflag1-dthflag10; array monrx(10) $ monrx1-monrx10; array yr_rx(10) $ yearrx1-yearrx10; array other_tx(10) $ other_tx1-other_tx10; array icdo(10) $ icdo1-icdo10; array napia_cd(10) $ napiia1-napiia10; array payer_dx(10) $ payer_dx1-payer_dx10; pos = 1806; do i = 1 to 10; input @(pos +000) regdx(i) $char2. @(pos +002) marst(i) $char1. @(pos +003) agedx(i) $char3. @(pos +006) seq(i) $char2. @(pos +008) modx(i) $char2. @(pos +010) yrdx(i) $char4. @(pos +014) site(i) $char3. @(pos +017) lat(i) $char1. @(pos +018) hist_2(i) $char4. @(pos +022) beh_2(i) $char1. @(pos +023) hist(i) $char4. @(pos +027) beh(i) $char1. @(pos +028) grade(i) $char1. @(pos +029) dxconf(i) $char1. @(pos +030) src(i) $char1. @(pos +031) e10sz(i) $char3. @(pos +034) e10ex(i) $char2. @(pos +036) e10pe(i) $char2. @(pos +038) e10nd(i) $char1. @(pos +039) e10pn(i) $char2. @(pos +041) e10ne(i) $char2. @(pos +043) eod13(i) $char13. @(pos +056) eod2(i) $char2. @(pos +058) e4siz(i) $char2. @(pos +060) e4ext(i) $char1. @(pos +061) e4nod(i) $char1. @(pos +062) eodcde(i) $char1. @(pos +063) tumor1(i) $char1. @(pos +064) tumor2(i) $char1. @(pos +065) tumor3(i) $char1. @(pos +066) cstum(i) $char3. @(pos +069) csex(i) $char3. @(pos +072) cslym(i) $char3. @(pos +075) csmet(i) $char2. @(pos +077) cssite1(i) $char3. @(pos +080) cssite2(i) $char3. @(pos +083) cssite3(i) $char3. @(pos +086) cssite4(i) $char3. @(pos +089) cssite5(i) $char3. @(pos +092) cssite6(i) $char3. @(pos +095) cssite25(i) $char3. @(pos +098) dajccts(i) $char2. @(pos +100) dajccns(i) $char2. @(pos +102) dajccms(i) $char2. @(pos +104) dajcstg(i) $char2. @(pos +106) dss77s(i) $char1. @(pos +107) dss00s(i) $char1. @(pos +108) dajcflg(i) $char1. @(pos +109) dss77f(i) $char1. @(pos +110) dss00f(i) $char1. @(pos +111) csvf(i) $char6. @(pos +117) csvl(i) $char6. @(pos +123) cscur(i) $char6. @(pos +129) sxprif(i) $char2. @(pos +131) sxscof(i) $char1. @(pos +132) sxsitf(i) $char1. @(pos +133) numnd(i) $char2. @(pos +135) nosrg(i) $char1. @(pos +136) rad(i) $char1. @(pos +137) radbrn(i) $char1. @(pos +138) radsurg(i) $char1. @(pos +139) sssurg(i) $char2. @(pos +141) sxscop(i) $char1. @(pos +142) sxsite(i) $char1. @(pos +145) ositage(i) $char1. @(pos +146) oseqcon(i) $char1. @(pos +147) oseqlat(i) $char1. @(pos +148) osurcon(i) $char1. @(pos +149) osittyp(i) $char1. @(pos +150) hbenign(i) $char1. @(pos +151) orptsrc(i) $char1. @(pos +152) odfsite(i) $char1. @(pos +153) oleukdx(i) $char1. @(pos +154) ositbeh(i) $char1. @(pos +155) oeoddt(i) $char1. @(pos +156) ositeod(i) $char1. @(pos +157) ositmor(i) $char1. @(pos +158) typefu(i) $char1. @(pos +159) ager(i) $char2. @(pos +161) sterwho(i) $char5. @(pos +166) icd09(i) $char4. @(pos +170) icd10(i) $char4. @(pos +174) ICCC3_WH(i) $char3. @(pos +177) ICC3X_WH(i) $char3. @(pos +180) behtrnd(i) $char1. @(pos +181) histrecs(i) $char2. @(pos +183) hisrcb(i) $char2. @(pos +185) cs04sch(i) $char3. @(pos +188) hstst(i) $char1. @(pos +189) ajccstg(i) $char2. @(pos +191) aj3sr(i) $char2. @(pos +193) sss77(i) $char1. @(pos +194) sssm2z(i) $char1. @(pos +195) frstprm(i) $char1. @(pos +196) statecd(i) $char2. @(pos +198) cnty(i) $char3. @(pos +201) ihscd(i) $char1. @(pos +202) sum2k(i) $char1. @(pos +203) aya_who(i) $char2. @(pos +205) lym_who(i) $char2. @(pos +207) vsrtdx(i) $char1. @(pos +208) odthcls(i) $char1. @(pos +209) csts(i) $char1. @(pos +210) csrg(i) $char1. @(pos +211) csmt(i) $char1. @(pos +212) intprims(i) $char1. @(pos +213) erstat(i) $char1. @(pos +214) prstat(i) $char1. @(pos +215) cssch(i) $char2. @(pos +217) cssite8(i) $char3. @(pos +220) cssite10(i) $char3. @(pos +223) cssite11(i) $char3. @(pos +226) cssite13(i) $char3. @(pos +229) cssite15(i) $char3. @(pos +232) cssite16(i) $char3. @(pos +235) vasinvv(i) $char1. @(pos +236) srvm(i) $char4. @(pos +240) srvmflag(i) $char1. @(pos +246) insrecpb(i) $char1. @(pos +247) dajcc7ts(i) $char3. @(pos +250) dajcc7ns(i) $char3. @(pos +253) dajcc7ms(i) $char3. @(pos +256) dajcc7(i) $char3. @(pos +259) adjajc6t(i) $char2. @(pos +261) adjajc6n(i) $char2. @(pos +263) adjajc6m(i) $char2. @(pos +265) adjajc6(i) $char2. @(pos +267) cssite7(i) $char3. @(pos +270) cssite9(i) $char3. @(pos +273) cssite12(i) $char3. @(pos +276) her2rec(i) $char1. @(pos +277) brstsub(i) $char1. @(pos +278) anarbor(i) $char1. @(pos +279) csmetb(i) $char1. @(pos +280) csmetbr(i) $char1. @(pos +281) csmetliv(i) $char1. @(pos +282) csmetlun(i) $char1. @(pos +283) tvalue(i) $char2. @(pos +285) nvalue(i) $char2. @(pos +287) mvalue(i) $char2. /* Not public but on PEDSF and released*/ @(pos +289) ddxflg(i) $char2. @(pos +291) dthflg(i) $char2. @(pos +293) monrx(i) $char2. @(pos +295) yr_rx(i) $char4. @(pos +299) other_tx(i) $char1. @(pos +300) icdo(i) $char1. @(pos +301) napia_cd(i) $char2. @(pos +303) payer_dx(i) $char2. @; pos = pos + 305; end; input; label pHIC = 'Protected Patient ID' mat_type = 'Match Type' yobflg1 = 'Year of Birth Flag' dobflg2 = 'Day of Birth Flag' yodflg3 = 'Year of Death Flag' sexflg4 = 'Sex Flag' lstflg5 = 'Last Name Flag' fstflg6 = 'First Name Flag' mobflg7 = 'Month of Birth Flag' midflg8 = 'Middle Initial Flag' numdigit = 'Number of Digits in SSN that Matched' dod_flg = 'Date of Death Flag' dob_flg = 'Date of Birth Flag' med_dodm = 'Medicare Month of Death' med_dodd = 'Medicare Day of Death' med_dody = 'Medicare Year of Death' birthm = 'Medicare Month of Birth' birthyr = 'Medicare Year of Birth' m_sex = 'Medicare Sex' race = 'Medicare Race' rsncd1 = 'Original Reason for Entitlement' cur_ent = 'Current Reason for Entitlment' cur_yr = 'Current Reason for Entitlement Year' chr_esrd = 'Chronic Renal Disease' chr_esrd_yr = 'Chronic Renal Disease Year' first_esrd_yr = 'First Chronic Renal Disease Year' med_stcd = 'Medicare Status Code' medst_yr = 'Medicare Status Code Year' state = 'State' county = 'County' code_sys = 'Census Cod Sys 1970/80/90' enctrt90 = 'Census Tract 1970/1980/1990' enctrt00 = 'Census Tract 2000' enctrt10 = 'Census Tract 2010' hsa = 'Health Service Area' urbrur = 'Urban/Rural recode' urban = 'Urban/Rural code' s_sex = 'SEER Sex' rac_recy = 'Race recode (W, B, AI, API)' rac_reca = 'Race recode (White, Black, Other)' icd_code = 'COD ICD Code' cod89v = 'Cause of Death (ICD-8 or 9)' cod10v = 'Cause of Death (ICD-10)' codkm = 'COD to site rec KM' codpub = 'COD to site recode' nhiade = 'NHIA Derived Hispanic Origin' ser_dodm = 'SEER Month of Death' ser_dody = 'SEER Year of Death' srace = 'SEER Race/Ethnicity' origrecb = 'Origin recode NHIA (Hispanic, Non-Hisp)' STAT_REC = 'Vital status recode (study cutoff used)' ctcert90 = 'Census Tract Certainty 70/80/90' ctcert00 = 'Census Tract Certainty 2000' ctcert10 = 'Census Tract Certainty 2010' census_pov_ind = 'Census Tract Poverty Indicator' yr_brth = 'Year of Birth' dbrflag = 'Date of Birth Flag' count = 'Number of SEER records' resnrec = 'Diagnosis Indicator' year_last_svy = 'Last Survey Year' ent1 = 'Part A and B Entitlement Monthly Indicator (1= Jan 1996, 240= Dec 2015)' hmo1 = 'HMO Entitlement Monthly Indicator (1=Jan 1996, 240= Dec 2015)' stbuy1 = 'State Buy-in Monthly Indicator (1=Jan 1996, 240= Dec 2015)' ptacnt1996 = 'Number of Months in 1996 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1997 = 'Number of Months in 1997 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1998 = 'Number of Months in 1998 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1999 = 'Number of Months in 1999 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2000 = 'Number of Months in 2000 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2001 = 'Number of Months in 2001 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2002 = 'Number of Months in 2002 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2003 = 'Number of Months in 2003 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2004 = 'Number of Months in 2004 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2005 = 'Number of Months in 2005 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2006 = 'Number of Months in 2006 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2007 = 'Number of Months in 2007 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2008 = 'Number of Months in 2008 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2009 = 'Number of Months in 2009 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2010 = 'Number of Months in 2010 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2011 = 'Number of Months in 2011 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2012 = 'Number of Months in 2012 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2013 = 'Number of Months in 2013 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2014 = 'Number of Months in 2014 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2015 = 'Number of Months in 2015 Covered for Part A' ptbcnt1996 = 'Number of Months in 1996 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1997 = 'Number of Months in 1997 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1998 = 'Number of Months in 1998 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1999 = 'Number of Months in 1999 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2000 = 'Number of Months in 2000 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2001 = 'Number of Months in 2001 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2002 = 'Number of Months in 2002 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2003 = 'Number of Months in 2003 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2004 = 'Number of Months in 2004 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2005 = 'Number of Months in 2005 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2006 = 'Number of Months in 2006 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2007 = 'Number of Months in 2007 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2008 = 'Number of Months in 2008 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2009 = 'Number of Months in 2009 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2010 = 'Number of Months in 2010 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2011 = 'Number of Months in 2011 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2012 = 'Number of Months in 2012 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2013 = 'Number of Months in 2013 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2014 = 'Number of Months in 2014 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2015 = 'Number of Months in 2015 Covered for Part B' hmocnt1996 = 'Number of Months in 1996 as an HMO member' hmocnt1997 = 'Number of Months in 1997 as an HMO member' hmocnt1998 = 'Number of Months in 1998 as an HMO member' hmocnt1999 = 'Number of Months in 1999 as an HMO member' hmocnt2000 = 'Number of Months in 2000 as an HMO member' hmocnt2001 = 'Number of Months in 2001 as an HMO member' hmocnt2002 = 'Number of Months in 2002 as an HMO member' hmocnt2003 = 'Number of Months in 2003 as an HMO member' hmocnt2004 = 'Number of Months in 2004 as an HMO member' hmocnt2005 = 'Number of Months in 2005 as an HMO member' hmocnt2006 = 'Number of Months in 2006 as an HMO member' hmocnt2007 = 'Number of Months in 2007 as an HMO member' hmocnt2008 = 'Number of Months in 2008 as an HMO member' hmocnt2009 = 'Number of Months in 2009 as an HMO member' hmocnt2010 = 'Number of Months in 2010 as an HMO member' hmocnt2011 = 'Number of Months in 2011 as an HMO member' hmocnt2012 = 'Number of Months in 2012 as an HMO member' hmocnt2013 = 'Number of Months in 2013 as an HMO member' hmocnt2014 = 'Number of Months in 2014 as an HMO member' hmocnt2015 = 'Number of Months in 2015 as an HMO member' stbuycnt1996 = 'Number of Months in 1996 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt1997 = 'Number of Months in 1997 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt1998 = 'Number of Months in 1998 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt1999 = 'Number of Months in 1999 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2000 = 'Number of Months in 2000 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2001 = 'Number of Months in 2001 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2002 = 'Number of Months in 2002 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2003 = 'Number of Months in 2003 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2004 = 'Number of Months in 2004 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2005 = 'Number of Months in 2005 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2006 = 'Number of Months in 2006 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2007 = 'Number of Months in 2007 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2008 = 'Number of Months in 2008 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2009 = 'Number of Months in 2009 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2010 = 'Number of Months in 2010 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2011 = 'Number of Months in 2011 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2012 = 'Number of Months in 2012 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2013 = 'Number of Months in 2013 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2014 = 'Number of Months in 2014 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuycnt2015 = 'Number of Months in 2015 with State Buy-in Coverage' enzip5_1996 = 'Zip Code in 1996, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_1997 = 'Zip Code in 1997, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_1998 = 'Zip Code in 1998, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_1999 = 'Zip Code in 1999, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2000 = 'Zip Code in 2000, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2001 = 'Zip Code in 2001, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2002 = 'Zip Code in 2002, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2003 = 'Zip Code in 2003, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2004 = 'Zip Code in 2004, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2005 = 'Zip Code in 2005, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2006 = 'Zip Code in 2006, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2007 = 'Zip Code in 2007, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2008 = 'Zip Code in 2008, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2009 = 'Zip Code in 2009, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2010 = 'Zip Code in 2010, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2011 = 'Zip Code in 2011, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2012 = 'Zip Code in 2012, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2013 = 'Zip Code in 2013, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2014 = 'Zip Code in 2014, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip5_2015 = 'Zip Code in 2015, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_1996 = 'Zip Code in 1996, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_1997 = 'Zip Code in 1997, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_1998 = 'Zip Code in 1998, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_1999 = 'Zip Code in 1999, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2000 = 'Zip Code in 2000, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2001 = 'Zip Code in 2001, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2002 = 'Zip Code in 2002, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2003 = 'Zip Code in 2003, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2004 = 'Zip Code in 2004, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2005 = 'Zip Code in 2005, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2006 = 'Zip Code in 2006, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2007 = 'Zip Code in 2007, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2008 = 'Zip Code in 2008, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2009 = 'Zip Code in 2009, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2010 = 'Zip Code in 2010, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2011 = 'Zip Code in 2011, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2012 = 'Zip Code in 2012, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2013 = 'Zip Code in 2013, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2014 = 'Zip Code in 2014, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_2015 = 'Zip Code in 2015, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ registry1996 ='SEER registry code in 1996 (retained over years)' registry1997 ='SEER registry code in 1997 (retained over years)' registry1998 ='SEER registry code in 1998 (retained over years)' registry1999 ='SEER registry code in 1999 (retained over years)' registry2000 ='SEER registry code in 2000 (retained over years)' registry2001 ='SEER registry code in 2001 (retained over years)' registry2002 ='SEER registry code in 2002 (retained over years)' registry2003 ='SEER registry code in 2003 (retained over years)' registry2004 ='SEER registry code in 2004 (retained over years)' registry2005 ='SEER registry code in 2005 (retained over years)' registry2006 ='SEER registry code in 2006 (retained over years)' registry2007 ='SEER registry code in 2007 (retained over years)' registry2008 ='SEER registry code in 2008 (retained over years)' registry2009 ='SEER registry code in 2009 (retained over years)' registry2010 ='SEER registry code in 2010 (retained over years)' registry2011 ='SEER registry code in 2011 (retained over years)' registry2012 ='SEER registry code in 2012 (retained over years)' registry2013 ='SEER registry code in 2013 (retained over years)' registry2014 ='SEER registry code in 2014 (retained over years)' registry2015 ='SEER registry code in 2015 (retained over years)' reg2cd1996 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1996)' reg2cd1997 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1997)' reg2cd1998 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1998)' reg2cd1999 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1999)' reg2cd2000 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2000)' reg2cd2001 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2001)' reg2cd2002 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2002)' reg2cd2003 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2003)' reg2cd2004 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2004)' reg2cd2005 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2005)' reg2cd2006 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2006)' reg2cd2007 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2007)' reg2cd2008 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2008)' reg2cd2009 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2009)' reg2cd2010 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2010)' reg2cd2011 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2011)' reg2cd2012 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2012)' reg2cd2013 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2013)' reg2cd2014 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2014)' reg2cd2015 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2015)' state1996 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (1996)' state1997 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (1997)' state1998 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (1998)' state1999 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (1999)' state2000 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2000)' state2001 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2001)' state2002 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2002)' state2003 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2003)' state2004 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2004)' state2005 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2005)' state2006 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2006)' state2007 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2007)' state2008 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2008)' state2009 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2009)' state2010 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2010)' state2011 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2011)' state2012 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2012)' state2013 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2013)' state2014 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2014)' state2015 = 'EDB state code at the end of the year (2015)' cnty1996 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (1996)' cnty1997 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (1997)' cnty1998 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (1998)' cnty1999 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (1999)' cnty2000 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2000)' cnty2001 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2001)' cnty2002 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2002)' cnty2003 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2003)' cnty2004 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2004)' cnty2005 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2005)' cnty2006 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2006)' cnty2007 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2007)' cnty2008 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2008)' cnty2009 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2009)' cnty2010 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2010)' cnty2011 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2011)' cnty2012 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2012)' cnty2013 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2013)' cnty2014 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2014)' cnty2015 = 'EDB county code at the end of the year (2015)' reg1 = 'Registry ID' marst1 = 'Marital Status at DX' agedx1 = 'Age at Diagnosis' seq1 = 'Sequence at Diagnosis' modx1 = 'Month of Diagnosis' yrdx1 = 'Year of Diagnosis' site1 = 'Primary Site' lat1 = 'Laterality' hist2_1 = 'Histology (92-00) ICD-O-2' beh2_1 = 'Behavior (92-00) ICD-O-2' hist1 = 'Histologic Type ICD-O-3' beh1 = 'Behavior Code ICD-O-3' grade1 = 'Grade' dxconf1 = 'Diagnostic Confirmation' src1 = 'Type of Reporting Source' e10sz1 = 'EOD 10 - Tumor Size' e10ex1 = 'EOD 10 - Extension' e10pe1 = 'EOD 10 - Extension Prostate Path' e10nd1 = 'EOD 10 - Lymph Node Involement' e10pn1 = 'EOD 10 - Regional Nodes Postive' e10ne1 = 'EOD 10 - Regional Nodes Examined' eod13_1 = 'EOD -- OLD 13 Digit' eod2_1 = 'EOD -- OLD 2 Digit' e4siz1 = 'EOD -- OLD 4 Digit (First Two Digits)' e4ext1 = 'EOD -- OLD 4 Digit (Third Digit)' e4nod1 = 'EOD -- OLD 4 Digit (Fourth Digit)' eod_cd1 = 'Coding System for EOD' tumor1_1= 'Tumor Marker 1' tumor2_1= 'Tumor Marker 2' tumor3_1= 'Tumor Marker 3' cstum1 = 'CS Tumor Size' csex1 = 'CS Extension' cslym1 = 'CS Lymph Nodes' csmet1 = 'CS Mets at DX' cs1st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 1' cs2st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 2' cs3st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 3' cs4st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 4' cs5st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 5' cs6st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 6' cs25st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 25' dajcct1 = 'Derived AJCC T' dajccn1 = 'Derived AJCC N' dajccm1 = 'Derived AJCC M' dajccstg1='Derived AJCC Stage Group' dss77s1 = 'Derived SS1977' dss00s1 = 'Derived SS2000' dajcflg1= 'Derived AJCC - Flag' dss77f1 = 'Derived SS1977 - Flag' dss00f1 = 'Derived SS2000 - Flag' csvf1 = 'CS Version Input Original' csvl1 = 'CS Version Derived' cscurrent1= 'CS Version Input Current' sxprif1 = 'RX Summ--Surg Prim Site' sxscof1 = 'RX Summ--Scope Reg LN Sur' sxsitf1 = 'RX Summ--Surg Oth Reg/Dis' numnd1 = 'RX Summ--Reg LN Examined' nosrg1 = 'Reason for no surgery' rad1 = 'RX Summ--Radiation' radbrn1 = 'RX Summ--Rad to CNS' radsurg1= 'RX Summ--Surg/Rad Seq' sssurg1 = 'RX Summ--Surgery Type' sxscop1 = 'RX Summ--Scope Reg 98-02' sxsite1 = 'RX Summ--Surg Oth 98-02' ositage1= 'Over-ride age/site/morph' oseqcon1= 'Over-ride seqno/dxconf' oseqlat1= 'Over-ride site/lat/seqno' osurcon1= 'Over-ride surg/dxconf' osittyp1= 'Over-ride site/type' hbenign1= 'Over-ride histology' orptsrc1= 'Over-ride report source' odfsite1= 'Over-ride ill-define site' oleukdx1= 'Over-ride Leuk, Lymph' ositbeh1= 'Over-ride site/behavior' oeoddt1 = 'Over-ride site/eod/dx dt' ositeod1= 'Over-ride site/lat/eod' ositmor1= 'Over-ride site/lat/morph' typefu1 = 'SEER Typeof followup' ager1 = 'Age Recode <1 Year olds' siterwho1= 'Site recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008' icdot09_1= 'Recode ICD-O-2 to 9' icdot10_1= 'Recode ICD-O-2 to 10' iccc3who1= 'ICCC site recode ICD-O-3/WHO2008' icc3xwho1= 'ICCC site rec. extended ICD-O-3/WHO 2008' behtrend1= 'Behavior Recode for Analysis' histrec1 = 'Histology Recode--Broad Groupings' hisrcb1 = 'Histology Recode--Brain Groupings' cs04sch1 = 'CS Schema v0204' hstst1 = 'SEER Historic Stage A' ajccstg1 = 'AJCC Stage 3rd edition (1988-2003)' aj3sr1 = 'SEER modified AJCC stage 3rd ed' sss77v1 = 'SEER Summary Stage 1977 (1995-2000)' frstprm1 = 'First malignant primary indicator' statecd1 = 'State Code' cnty1 = 'County code' ihscd1 = 'IHS Link' summ2k1 = 'Summary Stage 2000 (1998+)' ayawho1 = 'AYA site recode/WHO 2008' lymwho1 = 'Lymphoma subtype recode/WHO 2008' vsrtdx1 = 'SEER Cause-Specific Death Classification' odthclass1= 'SEER Other Cause of Death Classification' csts1 = 'CS Tumor Size/Ext Eval' csrg1 = 'CS Lymph Nodes Eval' csmt1 = 'CS Mets Eval' intprim1 = 'Primary by international rules' erstat1 = 'ER Status Recode Breast Cancer' prstat1 = 'PR Status Recode Breat Cancer' cssch1 = 'CS Schema - AJCC 6th ed(previously called v1)' cs8st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 8' cs10st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 10' cs11st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 11' cs13st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 13' cs15st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 15' cs16st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 16' vasinv1 = 'Lymph-vascular Invasion (2004+)' srvm1 = 'Survival Months' srvmflag1= 'Survival Months Flag' insrecpb1= 'Insurance Recode (2007+)' dajcc7t1 = 'Derived AJCC T 7th ed' dajcc7n1 = 'Derived AJCC N 7th ed' dajcc7m1 = 'Derived AJCC M 7th ed' dajcc7_01= 'Derived AJCC 7 Stage Group' adjajc6t1= 'Adjusted AJCC 6th T with mets (1988+)' adjajc6n1= 'Adjusted AJCC 6th N with mets (1988+)' adjajc6m1= 'Adjusted AJCC 6th m with mets (1988+)' adjajc6_01='Adjusted AJCC 6th Stage (1988+)' cs7st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 7' cs9st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 9' cs12st1 = 'CS Site-Specific Factor 12' her2rec1 = 'Derived HER2 Recode (2010+)' brstsub1 = 'Breast Subtype (2010+)' annarbor1= 'Lymphoma - Ann Arbor Stage (1983+)' csmetsdxb_pub1 ='CS mets a DX-bone' csmetsdxbr_pub1='CS mets a DX-brain' csmetsdxliv_pub1='CS mets a DX-liver' csmetsdxlung_pub1='CS mets a DX-lung' t_value1='T value - based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2002)' n_value1='N value - based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2002)' m_value1='M value - based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2002)' ddxflag1 = 'Diagnosis Date Flag' dthflag1 = 'Therapy Date Flag' monrx1 = 'Month Therapy Started' yearrx1 = 'Year Therapy Started' other_tx1= 'Other Therapy' icdo1 = 'ICD-O Coding Scheme' napiia1 = 'NAPIIA Derived API Race' payer_dx1= 'Primary Payer at DX' ; run; proc contents data=pedsf; title 'proc contents, of PEDSF file'; run;