/*Published: 11/1/2017*/ /************************************************************************/ /* IF YOU RECEIVED THE SUMDENOM FILE BEFORE NOVEMBER 2017 THEN YOU WILL */ /* NEED A DIFFERENT INPUT STATEMENT. PLEASE CONTACT IMS VIA E-MAIL */ /* SEER-MEDICARE@IMSWEB.COM AND AN INPUT STATEMENT WILL BE SENT TO */ /* YOU. */ /* This input statement is used to read in the sumdenom.nonSEER.txt */ /* file. */ /************************************************************************/ *filename sumin '/directory/sumdenom.nonSEER.txt'; /*reading in an un-zipped file*/ filename sumin pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/sumdenom.nonSEER.txt.gz'; /*reading in a zipped file*/ options nocenter validvarname=upcase; data sumden(drop=i begin end inc3 p inc2); infile sumin lrecl=1387 missover pad; input @0001 pHIC $char11. @0012 birthm $char2. @0014 birthd $char2. @0016 birthyr $char4. @0021 med_dodm $char2. @0023 med_dodd $char2. @0025 med_dody $char4. @0029 m_sex $char1. @0030 race $char1. @0031 rsncd1 $char1. @0032 cur_ent $char1. @0033 cur_yr $char4. @0037 chr_esrd $char1. @0038 chr_esrd_yr $char4. @0042 first_esrd_yr $char4. @0046 med_stcd $char2. @0048 medst_yr $char4. @0053 castat5 $char1. @0054 all_castat5 $char1. @0055 castat5_seerarea $char1. @0056 year_last_svy $char4. @; inc2=66; inc3=507; array urbancd(20) $ 2 urban1996-urban2015; array urbrec(20) $ 1 urbrur1996-urbrur2015; array ghon(240) $ 1 hmo1-hmo240; array enmon(240) $ 1 ent1-ent240; array allflag(240) $ 1 stbuy1-stbuy240; array enta(20) $ 2 ptacnt1996-ptacnt2015; array entb(20) $ 2 ptbcnt1996-ptbcnt2015; array hmoc(20) $ 2 hmocnt1996-hmocnt2015; array stbuy(20) $ 2 stbuycnt1996-stbuycnt2015; array state(20) $ 2 state1996-state2015; array cnty(20) $ 3 cnty1996-cnty2015; array zips5(20) $ 5 enzip5_1996-enzip5_2015; array zips4(20) $ 4 enzip4_1996-enzip4_2015; array registry(20) $ 2 registry1996-registry2015; array regcd2(20) $ 2 reg2cd1996-reg2cd2015; do i = 1 to 20; input @inc2 state(i) $char2. @inc2+2 cnty(i) $char3. @inc2+5 zips5(i) $char5. @inc2+10 zips4(i) $char4. @inc2+14 urbancd(i) $char2. @inc2+16 urbrec(i) $char1. @inc2+17 registry(i) $char2. @inc2+19 regcd2(i) $char2. @; inc2=inc2+21; end; retain begin end; begin=1; end=12; do i = 1 to 20; do p = begin to end; input @inc3 enmon(p) $char1. @inc3 + 12 ghon(p) $char1. @inc3 + 24 allflag(p) $char1. @; inc3=inc3 + 1; end; begin = begin + 12; end = end + 12; input @inc3 + 24 enta(i) $char2. @inc3 + 26 entb(i) $char2. @inc3 + 28 hmoc(i) $char2. @inc3 + 30 stbuy(i) $char2. @; inc3=inc3 + 32; end; input; label phic = 'Protected Patient ID' birthm = 'Birth Month' birthyr = 'Birth Year' med_dodm = 'Death Month' med_dody = 'Death Year' med_dodd = 'Death Day' m_sex = 'Sex' race = 'Race' rsncd1 = 'Original Reason for Entitlement' cur_ent = 'Current Reason for Entitlement' cur_yr = 'Current Reason for Entitlement Year' chr_esrd = 'Chronic Renal Disease' chr_esrd_yr= 'Chronic Renal Disease Year' first_esrd_yr = 'First ESRD Year' med_stcd = 'Medicare Status Code' medst_yr = 'Year of Medicare Status Code' urban1996 = 'Urban/Rural Code for 1996' urbrur1996 = 'Urban/Rural Recode for 1996' registry1996= 'First Registry for 1996' reg2cd1996 = 'Last Registry for 1996' ent1 = 'PART A and B Entitlement Monthly Indicator (1=Jan 1996, 240=Dec 2015)' hmo1 = 'HMO Entitlement Monthly Indicator (1=Jan 1996, 240=Dec 2015)' stbuy1 = 'State Buy-in Monthly Indicator (1=Jan 1996, 240=Dec 2015)' ptacnt1996 = 'Total Months Part A Coverage' ptbcnt1996 = 'Total Months Part B Coverage' hmocnt1996 = 'Total Months HMO Coverage' stbuycnt1996= 'Total Months State Buy-in Coverage' state1996 = 'State for 1996' cnty1996 = 'County for 1996' enzip5_1996 = 'Zip Code in 1996, first 5 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ enzip4_1996 = 'Zip Code in 1996, last 4 digits' /* Special Permission required for unencypted zip */ castat5 = 'At least one survey has Cancer Status = 5 (not in SEER and Any Cancer = No)' all_castat5 = 'All Surveys for the patient have Cancer Status = 5' castat5_seerarea = 'At least one survey has Cancer Status = 5 and lived in a SEER area when the survey was taken' year_last_svy = 'Last Survey Year' ; run; proc contents data=sumden position; run;