/*Published: 12/1/2016*/ /********************** COMMENTS ***********************************/ /* */ /* Please Note: If you are using PC SAS to read in these files you */ /* will have to un-zip the files first and use the un-zipped filename */ /* statement, rather than using the zipped files and statement. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ *filename pdein '/directory/pdesaf14.txt'; /*reading in an un-zipped file*/ filename pdein pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/pdesaf14.txt.gz'; /*reading in a zipped file*/ *filename pdein pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/pdesaf*.txt.gz'; /*using wildcard to match multiple files */ options nocenter validvarname=upcase; data pdesaf; infile pdein lrecl=212 missover pad; input @001 linkid $char11. @012 PDE_ID $CHAR15. @027 srvc_mon $char2. @029 srvc_day $char2. @031 srvc_yr $char4. @035 PROD_SRVC_ID $CHAR19. @054 QTY_DSPNSD_NUM 12.3 @066 DAYS_SUPLY_NUM 3. @069 CTSTRPHC_CVRG_CD $CHAR1. @070 PTNT_PAY_AMT 10.2 @080 TOT_RX_CST_AMT 10.2 @090 BN $CHAR30. @120 GCDF $CHAR2. @122 GCDF_DESC $CHAR40. @162 STR $CHAR10. @172 GNN $CHAR30. @202 BENEFIT_PHASE $CHAR2. @204 TIER_ID $CHAR2. @206 STEP $CHAR2. @208 QUANTITY_LIMIT_YN $CHAR2. @210 PRIOR_AUTHORIZATION_YN $CHAR2. ; * Labels *; label linkid = "Patient ID" PDE_ID = "Encrypted PDE ID" SRVC_mon = "RX Service Month" SRVC_day = "RX Service Day" SRVC_yr = "RX Service Year" PROD_SRVC_ID = "Product Service ID" QTY_DSPNSD_NUM = "Quantity Dispensed" DAYS_SUPLY_NUM = "Days Supply" CTSTRPHC_CVRG_CD = "Catastrophic Coverage Code" PTNT_PAY_AMT = "Patient Pay Amount" TOT_RX_CST_AMT = "Gross Drug Cost" BN = "Brand Name" GCDF = "Dosage Form Code" GCDF_DESC = "Dosage Form Code Description" STR = "Drug Strength Description" GNN = "Generic Name - Short Version" BENEFIT_PHASE = "The benefit phase of the Part D Event" TIER_ID = "Medicare Part D formulary tier identifier" STEP = "Maximum Step Number" QUANTITY_LIMIT_YN = "Whether or Not the Drug has Quantity Limits" PRIOR_AUTHORIZATION_YN = "Whether or Not the Drug Requires Prior Authorization" ; run; proc contents data=pdesaf position; run;