/* Published: 03/01/2021 */ /*************** IMPORTANT PROGRAMING NOTES ************************/ /* If you are using PC SAS to read in these files you will have to */ /* un-zip the files first and use the un-zipped filename statement, */ /* rather than using the zipped files and statement. */ /***********************************************************************/ *filename SEER_in '/directory/medicaid.cancerfile.txt'; /* reading in an un-zipped file */ filename SEER_in pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/medicaid.cancerfile.txt.gz'; /* reading in a zipped file */ options nocenter validvarname=upcase; data SEER_in; infile SEER_in lrecl=535 missover pad; input @001 patient_id $char15. /* Patient ID */ @016 SEER_registry 2. /*Registry*/ @018 SEERregistrywithCAandGAaswholes 2. /*Registry with CA and GA as whole states*/ @020 Louisiana20051stvs2ndhalfofyear 1. /*Louisiana 2005 1st vs 2nd half of the year*/ @021 Marital_status_at_diagnosis 1. /*Marital Status*/ @022 Race_ethnicity 2. /*Race ethnicity*/ @024 sex 1. /*Sex*/ @025 Agerecodewithsingleages_and_100 3. /*Age recode with single ages and 100+*/ @028 agerecodewithsingle_ages_and_85 3. /*Age recode with single ages and 85+*/ @031 Sequence_number 2. /*Sequence Number*/ @033 Month_of_diagnosis 2. /*Month of Diagnosis, Not month diagnosis recode*/ @035 Year_of_diagnosis 4. /*Year of Diagnosis*/ @039 Month_of_diagnosis_recode 2. /*Month of Diagnosis Recode*/ @041 Primary_Site $char4. /*Primary Site*/ @045 Laterality 1. /*Laterality*/ @046 Histology_ICD_O_2 4. /*Histology ICD-0-2*/ @050 Behavior_code_ICD_O_2 1. /*Behavior ICD-0-2*/ @051 Histologic_Type_ICD_O_3 4. /*Histologic type ICD-0-3*/ @055 Behavior_code_ICD_O_3 1. /*Behavior code ICD-0-3*/ @056 Grade 1. /*Grade*/ @057 Diagnostic_Confirmation 1. /*Diagnostic Confirmation*/ @058 Type_of_Reporting_Source 1. /*Type of Reporting Source*/ @059 EOD_10_size_1988_2003 3. /*EOD 10 - SIZE (1998-2003)*/ @062 EOD_10_extent_1988_2003 2. /*EOD 10 - EXTENT (1998-2003)*/ @064 EOD10Prostatepath_ext_1995_2003 2. /*EOD 10 - Prostate path ext (1995-2003)*/ @066 EOD_10_nodes_1988_2003 1. /*EOD 10 - Nodes (1995-2003)*/ @067 Regional_nodes_positive_1988 2. /*EOD 10 - Regional Nodes positive (1988+)*/ @069 Regional_nodes_examined_1988 2. /*EOD 10 - Regional Nodes examined (1988+)*/ @071 Expanded_EOD_1_CP53_1973_1982 $char1. /*EOD - expanded 1-13*/ @072 Expanded_EOD_2_CP54_1973_1982 $char1. @073 Expanded_EOD_3_CP55_1973_1982 $char1. @074 Expanded_EOD_4_CP56_1973_1982 $char1. @075 Expanded_EOD_5_CP57_1973_1982 $char1. @076 Expanded_EOD_6_CP58_1973_1982 $char1. @077 Expanded_EOD_7_CP59_1973_1982 $char1. @078 Expanded_EOD_8_CP60_1973_1982 $char1. @079 Expanded_EOD_9_CP61_1973_1982 $char1. @080 Expanded_EOD_10_CP62_1973_1982 $char1. @081 Expanded_EOD_11_CP63_1973_1982 $char1. @082 Expanded_EOD_12_CP64_1973_1982 $char1. @083 Expanded_EOD_13_CP65_1973_1982 $char1. @084 V2Digit_NS_EOD_part_1_1973_1982 $char1. /*NS EOD part 1 */ @086 V2Digit_NS_EOD_part_2_1973_1982 $char1. /*NS EOD part 2 */ @088 V2Digit_SS_EOD_part_1_1973_1982 $char1. /*SS EOD part 1 */ @090 V2Digit_SS_EOD_part_2_1973_1982 $char1. /*SS EOD part 2 */ @092 EOD_4_size_1983_1987 2. /*EOD 4 - Size (1983-1987) */ @094 EOD_4_extent_1983_1987 1. /*EOD 4 - Extent (1983-1987) */ @095 EOD_4_nodes_1983_1987 1. /*EOD 4 - Nodes (1983-1987) */ @096 Coding_system_EOD_1973_2003 1. /*EOD Coding System (1973-2003) */ @097 Tumor_marker_1_1990_2003 1. /*Tumor marker 1 (1990-2003) */ @098 Tumor_marker_2_1990_2003 1. /*Tumor marker 2 (1990-2003) */ @099 Tumor_marker_3_1998_2003 1. /*Tumor marker 3 (1990-2003 */ @100 CS_tumor_size_2004_2015 3. /*CS Tumor size (2004-2015) */ @103 CS_extension_2004_2015 3. /*CS extension (2004-2015) */ @106 CS_lymph_nodes_2004_2015 3. /*CS Lymph nodes (2004-2015) */ @109 CS_mets_at_dx_2004_2015 2. /*CS Mets at dx */ @111 CSsitespecificfactor12004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 1(2004+) */ @114 CSsitespecificfactor22004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 2(2004+) */ @117 CSsitespecificfactor32004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 3(2004+) */ @120 CSsitespecificfactor42004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 4(2004+) */ @123 CSsitespecificfactor52004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 5(2004+) */ @126 CSsitespecificfactor62004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 6(2004+) */ @129 CSsitespecificfactor72004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 7(2004+) */ @132 CSsitespecificfactor82004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 8(2004+) */ @135 CSsitespecificfactor92004varyin 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 9(2004+) */ @138 CSsitespecificfactor102004varyi 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 10(2004+)*/ @141 CSsitespecificfactor112004varyi 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 11(2004+)*/ @144 CSsitespecificfactor122004varyi 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 12(2004+)*/ @147 CSsitespecificfactor132004varyi 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 13(2004+)*/ @150 CSsitespecificfactor152004varyi 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 15(2004+)*/ @153 CSsitespecificfactor162004varyi 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 16(2004+)*/ @156 CSsitespecificfactor252004varyi 3. /*CS Site-specific factor 25(2004+)*/ @159 Derived_AJCC_T_6th_ed_2004_2015 2. /*Derived AJCC T 6th ed (2004-2015)*/ @161 Derived_AJCC_N_6th_ed_2004_2015 2. /*Derived AJCC N 6th ed (2004-2015)*/ @163 Derived_AJCC_M_6th_ed_2004_2015 2. /*Derived AJCC M 6th ed (2004-2015)*/ @165 DerivedAJCCStageGroup6thed20042 2. /*Derived AJCC STAGE Group 6th ed (2004-2015)*/ @167 SEERCombinedSummaryStage2000200 1. /*SEER Combined Summary Stage 2000 (2004+)*/ @168 CSversioninputoriginal2004_2015 6. /*CS Version Input (2004-2015) */ @174 CS_version_derived_2004_2015 6. /*CS Version Derived (2004-2015) */ @180 CSversioninputcurrent_2004_2015 6. /*CS Version Current (2004-2015) */ @186 RX_Summ_Surg_Prim_Site_1998 2. /*RX Summ-Surg Prim site 1998+ */ @188 RX_Summ_Scope_Reg_LN_Sur_2003 1. /*RX Summ-Scope Reg LN Sur (2003+) */ @189 RX_Summ_Surg_Oth_Reg_Dis_2003 1. /*RX Summ-Surg Oth reg/dis (2003+) */ @190 RXSummReg_LN_Examined_1998_2002 2. /*RX Summ-Reg LN examined (1998-2002)*/ @192 RX_Summ_Systemic_Surg_Seq 1. /*RX Summ--Systemic Surg Seq*/ @193 RX_Summ_Surg_Rad_Seq 1. /*Radiation Sequence with Surgery*/ @194 Reasonnocancer_directed_surgery 1. /*Reason No Cancer-Directed Surgery*/ @195 Radiation_recode 1. /*Radiation Recode (0 and 9 combined) - created -- Needs special permission*/ @196 Chemotherapy_recode_yes_no_unk 1. /*CHEMOTHERAPY Recode, yes(1)/no/unknown(0) - created -- Needs special permission*/ @197 Sitespecificsurgery19731997vary 2. /*Site Specific Surgery (1973-1997)*/ @199 Scopeofreglymphndsurg_1998_2002 1. /*Scope of Reg Lymph ND Surg (1998-2002)*/ @200 Surgeryofothregdissites19982002 1. /*Surgery of Oth Reg/Dis sites (1998-2002)*/ @201 Record_number_recode 2. /*Record Number Recode */ @203 Age_recode_with_1_year_olds 2. /*Age Recode with <1 Year Olds */ @205 Site_recode_ICD_O_3_WHO_2008 $char5. /*Site Recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008) */ @210 ICCCsiterecode_ICD_O_3_WHO_2008 3. /*ICCC Site Recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008*/ @213 ICCCsiterecextendedICDO3WHO2008 3. /*ICCC Site rec extended ICD-O-3/WHO 2008*/ @216 Behavior_recode_for_analysis 1. /*Behavior Recode for Analysis*/ @217 Histologyrecode_broad_groupings 2. /*Histology Recode - Broad Groupings*/ @219 Histologyrecode_Brain_groupings 2. /*Histology Recode - Brain Groupings*/ @224 TNM_7_CS_v0204_Schema 3. /*TNM 7/CS v0204+ Schema*/ @227 Race_recode_White_Black_Other 1. /*Race Recode (White, Black, Other)*/ @228 Race_recode_W_B_AI_API 1. /*Race Recode (W, B, AI, API)*/ @229 OriginrecodeNHIAHispanicNonHisp 1. /*Origin Recode NHIA (Hispanic, Non-Hispanic)*/ @230 SEER_historic_stage_A_1973_2015 1. /*SEER Historic Stage A (1973-2015)*/ @231 AJCCstage_3rd_edition_1988_2003 2. /*AJCC Stage 3rd Edition (1988-2003)*/ @233 SEERmodifiedAJCCstage3rd1988200 2. /*SEER Modified AJCC Stage 3rd Edition (1988-2003)*/ @235 Firstmalignantprimary_indicator 1. /*First Malignant Primary Indicator*/ @236 state 2. /*FIPS State*/ @238 county 3. /*FIPS County*/ @241 PRCDA_2017 1. /*PRCDA - 2017*/ @242 PRCDA_Region 1. /*PRCDA - Region*/ @243 COD_to_site_recode 5. /*COD to Site Recode*/ @248 COD_to_site_rec_KM 5. /*COD to Site Recode KM*/ @253 Vitalstatusrecodestudycutoffuse 1. /*Vital Status Recode (Study Cutoff Used)*/ @254 IHS_Link 1. /*IHS LINK*/ @255 Summary_stage_2000_1998 1. /*Summary Stage 2000 (1998+)*/ @256 AYA_site_recode_WHO_2008 2. /*AYA Site Recode/WHO 2008*/ @258 Lymphomasubtype_recode_WHO_2008 2. /*Lymphoma Subtype Recode/WHO 2008*/ @263 SEERcausespecificdeathclassific 1. /*SEER Cause-Specific Death Classification*/ @264 SEERothercauseofdeathclassifica 1. /*SEER Other Cause of Death Classification*/ @265 CSTumor_Size_Ext_Eval_2004_2015 1. /*CS Tumor Size/Ext Eval (2004-2015) */ @266 CS_Reg_Node_Eval_2004_2015 1. /*CS Reg Node Eval (2004-2015)*/ @267 CS_Mets_Eval_2004_2015 1. /*CS Mets Eval (2004-2015)*/ @268 Primary_by_international_rules 1. /*Primary by International Rules*/ @269 ERStatusRecodeBreastCancer_1990 1. /*ER Status Recode Breast Cancer (1990+)*/ @270 PRStatusRecodeBreastCancer_1990 1. /*PR Status Recode Breast Cancer (1990+)*/ @271 CS_Schema_AJCC_6th_Edition 2. /*CS Schema--AJCC 6th Edition*/ @273 LymphvascularInvasion2004varyin 1. /*Lymph Vascular Invasion (2004+ Varying by Schema)*/ @279 Derived_AJCC_T_7th_ed_2010 3. /*Derived AJCC T, 7th Ed 2010-2015)*/ @282 Derived_AJCC_N_7th_ed_2010 3. /*Derived AJCC N, 7th Ed 2010-2015)*/ @285 Derived_AJCC_M_7th_ed_2010 3. /*Derived AJCC M, 7th Ed 2010-2015)*/ @288 DerivedAJCCStageGroup7thed_2010 3. /*Derived AJCC Stage Group, 7th Ed 2010-2015)*/ @291 BreastAdjustedAJCC6thT1988_2015 2. /*Breast--Adjusted AJCC 6th T (1988-2015)*/ @293 BreastAdjustedAJCC6thN1988_2015 2. /*Breast--Adjusted AJCC 6th N (1988-2015)*/ @295 BreastAdjustedAJCC6thM1988_2015 2. /*Breast--Adjusted AJCC 6th M (1988-2015)*/ @297 BreastAdjustedAJCC6thStage19882 2. /*Breast--Adjusted AJCC 6th Stage (1988-2015)*/ @299 Derived_HER2_Recode_2010 1. /*Derived HER2 Recode (2010+)*/ @300 Breast_Subtype_2010 1. /*Breast Subtype (2010+)*/ @301 LymphomaAnnArborStage_1983_2015 1. /*Lymphomas: Ann Arbor Staging (1983-2015)*/ @302 SEERCombinedMetsat_DX_bone_2010 1. /*SEER Combined Mets at Dx-Bone (2010+)*/ @303 SEERCombinedMetsatDX_brain_2010 1. /*SEER Combined Mets at Dx-Brain (2010+)*/ @304 SEERCombinedMetsatDX_liver_2010 1. /*SEER Combined Mets at Dx-Liver (2010+)*/ @305 SEERCombinedMetsat_DX_lung_2010 1. /*SEER Combined Mets at Dx-Lung (2010+)*/ @306 TvaluebasedonAJCC_3rd_1988_2003 2. /*T Value - Based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003)*/ @308 NvaluebasedonAJCC_3rd_1988_2003 2. /*N Value - Based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003)*/ @310 MvaluebasedonAJCC_3rd_1988_2003 2. /*M Value - Based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003)*/ @316 RadiationtoBrainorCNSRecode1988 1. /*Radiation to Brain or CNS Recode (1988-1997)*/ @347 Census_Tract_1990 $char6. /*Census Tract 1990, encrypted*/ @353 Census_Tract_2000 $char6. /*Census Tract 2000, encrypted*/ @359 Census_Tract_2010 $char6. /*Census Tract 2010, encrypted*/ @365 Census_Coding_System $char1. /*Coding System for Census Tract 1970/80/90*/ @366 Census_Tract_Certainty_1990 $char1. /*Census Tract Certainty 1970/1980/1990*/ @367 Census_Tract_Certainty_2000 $char1. /*Census Tract Certainty 2000*/ @368 Census_Tract_Certainty_2010 $char1. /*Census Tract Certainty 2010*/ @369 Census_Tract_Poverty_Indicator $char1. /*Census Tract Poverty Indicator*/ @378 Rural_Urban_Continuum_Code_1993 2. /*Rural-Urban Continuum Code 1993 - From SEER*Stat*/ @380 Rural_Urban_Continuum_Code_2003 2. /*Rural-Urban Continuum Code 2003 - From SEER*Stat*/ @382 Rural_Urban_Continuum_Code_2013 2. /*Rural-Urban Continuum Code 2013 - From SEER*Stat*/ @384 Health_Service_Area 4. /*Health Service Area - From SEER*Stat*/ @388 HealthService_Area_NCI_Modified 4. /*Health Service Area NCI Modified - From SEER*Stat*/ @401 Derived_SS1977_flag $char1. /*Derived SS1977 - Flag (2004+)*/ @402 Derived_SS2000_flag $char1. /*Derived SS2000 - Flag (2004+)*/ @403 Firstcourseofreconstruct1998200 $char1. /*First course of reconstruct (1998-2002)*/ @404 Radiation $char1. /*Radiation*/ @405 RadiationtoBrainorCNS_1988_1997 $char1. /*Radiation to Brain or CNS (1988-1997)*/ @406 SEER_DateofDeath_Month $char2. /*Death Month based on Stat_rec*/ @408 SEER_DateofDeath_Year $char4. /*Death Year based on Stat_rec*/ @412 Month_of_last_follow_up_recode $char2. /*Month of Follow-up Recode, study cutoff used*/ @414 Year_of_last_follow_up_recode $char4. /*Year of Follow-up Recode, study cutoff used*/ @419 Year_of_birth $char4. /*Year of Birth*/ @423 Date_of_diagnosis_flag $char2. /*Date of Diagnosis Flag*/ @425 Date_therapy_started_flag $char2. /*Date of Therapy Started Flag*/ @427 Date_of_birth_flag $char2. /*Date of Birth flag*/ @429 Date_of_last_follow_up_flag $char2. /*Date of Last Follow-up Flag*/ @431 Month_therapy_started $char2. /*Month Therapy Started*/ @433 Year_therapy_started $char4. /*Year Therapy Started*/ @437 Other_cancer_directed_therapy $char1. /*Other Cancer-Directed Therapy*/ @438 Derived_AJCC_flag $char1. /*Derived AJCC - Flag (2004+)*/ @439 Derived_SS1977 $char1. /*Derived SS1977 (2004-2015)*/ @440 Derived_SS2000 $char1. /*Derived SS2000 (2004+)*/ @441 SEER_Summary_stage_1977_9500 $char1. /*SEER summary stage 1977(1995-2000)*/ @442 SEER_Summary_stage_2000_0103 $char1. /*SEER summary stage 2000(2001-2003)*/ @443 NAPIIA_Derived_API_Race $char2. /*NAPIIA Derived API Race*/ @445 Primary_Payer_at_DX $char2. /*Primary Payer at DX*/ @447 COD_ICD_code $char1. /*COD ICD code*/ @448 Cause_of_Death_ICD_8_or_9 $char4. /*Cause of Death (ICD-8 or 9)*/ @452 Cause_of_Death_ICD_10 $char4. /*Cause of Death (ICD 10)*/ @456 Recode_ICD_0_2_to_9 $char4. /*Recode ICD-O-2 to 9*/ @460 Recode_ICD_0_2_to_10 $char4. /*Recode ICD-O-2 to 10*/ @464 NHIA_Derived_Hisp_Origin $char1. /*NHIA Dervied Hispanic Origin*/ @465 Age_site_edit_override $char1. /*Age-site edit override*/ @466 Sequencenumber_dx_conf_override $char1. /*Sequence number-dx conf override*/ @467 Site_type_lat_seq_override $char1. /*Site-type-lat-seq override*/ @468 Surgerydiagnostic_conf_override $char1. /*Surgery-diagnostic conf override*/ @469 Site_type_edit_override $char1. /*Site-type edit override*/ @470 Histology_edit_override $char1. /*Histology edit override*/ @471 Report_source_sequence_override $char1. /*Report source sequence override*/ @472 Seq_ill_defined_site_override $char1. /*Seq-ill-defined site override*/ @473 LeukLymphdxconfirmationoverride $char1. /*Leuk-Lymph dx confirmation override*/ @474 Site_behavior_override $char1. /*Site-behavior override*/ @475 Site_EOD_dx_date_override $char1. /*Site-EOD-dx date override*/ @476 Site_laterality_EOD_override $char1. /*Site-laterality-EOD override*/ @477 Site_laterality_morph_override $char1. /*Site-laterality-morph override*/ @479 Insurance_Recode_2007 1. /*Insurance Recode (2007+)*/ @480 Yost_ACS_2006_2010 5. /*Yost Index (ACS 2006-2010)*/ @485 Yost_ACS_2010_2014 5. /*Yost Index (ACS 2010-2014)*/ @490 Yost_ACS_2013_2017 5. /*Yost Index (ACS 2013-2017)*/ @495 Yost_ACS_2006_2010_State_based 5. /*Yost Index (ACS 2006-2010) - State based*/ @500 Yost_ACS_2010_2014_State_based 5. /*Yost Index (ACS 2010-2014) - State based*/ @505 Yost_ACS_2013_2017_State_based 5. /*Yost Index (ACS 2013-2017) - State based*/ @510 Yost_ACS_2006_2010_quintile $char1. /*Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2006-2010)*/ @511 Yost_ACS_2010_2014_quintile $char1. /*Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2010-2014)*/ @512 Yost_ACS_2013_2017_quintile $char1. /*Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2013-2017)*/ @513 YostACS20062010quintileStatebas $char1. /*Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2006-2010) - State based*/ @514 YostACS20102014quintileStatebas $char1. /*Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2010-2014) - State based*/ @515 YostACS20132017quintileStatebas $char1. /*Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2013-2017) - State based*/ @519 HPV_recode_2010 1. /*HPV Recode (2010+) -- Needs special permission*/ @520 In_Medicaid_Flag $char1. /*Medicaid enrollment */ @521 OncotypeDXBreastRecurrenceScore 3. /*Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score -- Needs special permission*/ @524 OncotypeDXRSgroupRS18RS1830RS30 1. /*Oncotype DX RS group (RS < 18, RS 18-30, RS > 30) -- Needs special permission*/ @525 OncotypeDXreasonno_score_linked 1. /*Oncotype DX reason no score linked -- Needs special permission*/ @526 Oncotype_DX_year_of_test_report 4. /*Oncotype DX year of test report -- Needs special permission*/ @530 OncotypeDX_month_of_test_report 2. /*Oncotype DX month of test report -- Needs special permission*/ @532 OncotypeDXmonthssince_diagnosis 3. /*Oncotype DX months since diagnosis -- Needs special permission*/ ; label PATIENT_ID = "Patient ID" SEER_registry = "Registry" SEERregistrywithCAandGAaswholes = "Registry with CA and GA as whole states" Louisiana20051stvs2ndhalfofyear = "Louisiana 2005 1st vs 2nd half of the year" Marital_status_at_diagnosis = "Marital Status" Race_ethnicity = "Race ethnicity" sex = "Sex" Agerecodewithsingleages_and_100 = "Age recode with single ages and 100+" agerecodewithsingle_ages_and_85 = "Age recode with single ages and 85+" Sequence_number = "Sequence Number" Month_of_diagnosis = "Month of Diagnosis, Not month diagnosis recode" Year_of_diagnosis = "Year of Diagnosis" Month_of_diagnosis_recode = "Month of Diagnosis Recode" Primary_Site = "Primary Site" Laterality = "Laterality" Histology_ICD_O_2 = "Histology ICD-0-2" Behavior_code_ICD_O_2 = "Behavior ICD-0-2" Histologic_Type_ICD_O_3 = "Histologic type ICD-0-3" Behavior_code_ICD_O_3 = "Behavior code ICD-0-3" Grade = "Grade" Diagnostic_Confirmation = "Diagnostic Confirmation" Type_of_Reporting_Source = "Type of Reporting Source" EOD_10_size_1988_2003 = "EOD 10 - SIZE (1998-2003)" EOD_10_extent_1988_2003 = "EOD 10 - EXTENT (1998-2003)" EOD10Prostatepath_ext_1995_2003 = "EOD 10 - Prostate path ext (1995-2003)" EOD_10_nodes_1988_2003 = "EOD 10 - Nodes (1995-2003)" Regional_nodes_positive_1988 = "EOD 10 - Regional Nodes positive (1988+)" Regional_nodes_examined_1988 = "EOD 10 - Regional Nodes examined (1988+)" Expanded_EOD_1_CP53_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 1st digit" Expanded_EOD_2_CP54_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 2nd digit" Expanded_EOD_3_CP55_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 3rd digit" Expanded_EOD_4_CP56_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 4th digit" Expanded_EOD_5_CP57_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 5th digit" Expanded_EOD_6_CP58_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 6th digit" Expanded_EOD_7_CP59_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 7th digit" Expanded_EOD_8_CP60_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 8th digit" Expanded_EOD_9_CP61_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 9th digit" Expanded_EOD_10_CP62_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 10th digit" Expanded_EOD_11_CP63_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 11th digit" Expanded_EOD_12_CP64_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 12th digit" Expanded_EOD_13_CP65_1973_1982 = "EOD - expanded 13th digit" V2Digit_NS_EOD_part_1_1973_1982 = "NS EOD 1st digit" V2Digit_NS_EOD_part_2_1973_1982 = "NS EOD 2nd digit" V2Digit_SS_EOD_part_1_1973_1982 = "SS EOD 1st digit" V2Digit_SS_EOD_part_2_1973_1982 = "SS EOD 2nd digit" EOD_4_size_1983_1987 = "EOD 4 - Size (1983-1987) " EOD_4_extent_1983_1987 = "EOD 4 - Extent (1983-1987) " EOD_4_nodes_1983_1987 = "EOD 4 - Nodes (1983-1987) " Coding_system_EOD_1973_2003 = "EOD Coding System (1973-2003) " Tumor_marker_1_1990_2003 = "Tumor marker 1 (1990-2003) " Tumor_marker_2_1990_2003 = "Tumor marker 2 (1990-2003) " Tumor_marker_3_1998_2003 = "Tumor marker 3 (1990-2003 " CS_tumor_size_2004_2015 = "CS Tumor size (2004-2015) " CS_extension_2004_2015 = "CS extension (2004-2015) " CS_lymph_nodes_2004_2015 = "CS Lymph nodes (2004-2015) " CS_mets_at_dx_2004_2015 = "CS Mets at dx " CSsitespecificfactor12004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 1(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor22004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 2(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor32004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 3(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor42004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 4(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor52004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 5(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor62004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 6(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor72004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 7(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor82004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 8(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor92004varyin = "CS Site-specific factor 9(2004+) " CSsitespecificfactor102004varyi = "CS Site-specific factor 10(2004+)" CSsitespecificfactor112004varyi = "CS Site-specific factor 11(2004+)" CSsitespecificfactor122004varyi = "CS Site-specific factor 12(2004+)" CSsitespecificfactor132004varyi = "CS Site-specific factor 13(2004+)" CSsitespecificfactor152004varyi = "CS Site-specific factor 15(2004+)" CSsitespecificfactor162004varyi = "CS Site-specific factor 16(2004+)" CSsitespecificfactor252004varyi = "CS Site-specific factor 25(2004+)" Derived_AJCC_T_6th_ed_2004_2015 = "Derived AJCC T 6th ed (2004-2015)" Derived_AJCC_N_6th_ed_2004_2015 = "Derived AJCC N 6th ed (2004-2015)" Derived_AJCC_M_6th_ed_2004_2015 = "Derived AJCC M 6th ed (2004-2015)" DerivedAJCCStageGroup6thed20042 = "Derived AJCC STAGE Group 6th ed (2004-2015)" SEERCombinedSummaryStage2000200 = "SEER Combined Summary Stage 2000 (2004+)" CSversioninputoriginal2004_2015 = "CS Version Input (2004-2015) " CS_version_derived_2004_2015 = "CS Version Derived (2004-2015) " CSversioninputcurrent_2004_2015 = "CS Version Current (2004-2015) " RX_Summ_Surg_Prim_Site_1998 = "RX Summ-Surg Prim site 1998+ " RX_Summ_Scope_Reg_LN_Sur_2003 = "RX Summ-Scope Reg LN Sur (2003+) " RX_Summ_Surg_Oth_Reg_Dis_2003 = "RX Summ-Surg Oth reg/dis (2003+) " RXSummReg_LN_Examined_1998_2002 = "RX Summ-Reg LN examined (1998-2002)" RX_Summ_Systemic_Surg_Seq = "RX Summ--Systemic Surg Seq" RX_Summ_Surg_Rad_Seq = "Radiation Sequence with Surgery" Reasonnocancer_directed_surgery = "Reason No Cancer-Directed Surgery" Radiation_recode = "Radiation Recode (0 and 9 combined) - created" Chemotherapy_recode_yes_no_unk = "CHEMOTHERAPY Recode, yes(1)/no/unknown(0) - created" Sitespecificsurgery19731997vary = "Site Specific Surgery (1973-1997)" Scopeofreglymphndsurg_1998_2002 = "Scope of Reg Lymph ND Surg (1998-2002)" Surgeryofothregdissites19982002 = "Surgery of Oth Reg/Dis sites (1998-2002)" Record_number_recode = "Record Number Recode " Age_recode_with_1_year_olds = "Age Recode with <1 Year Olds " Site_recode_ICD_O_3_WHO_2008 = "Site Recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008) " ICCCsiterecode_ICD_O_3_WHO_2008 = "ICCC Site Recode ICD-O-3/WHO 2008" ICCCsiterecextendedICDO3WHO2008 = "ICCC Site rec extended ICD-O-3/WHO 2008" Behavior_recode_for_analysis = "Behavior Recode for Analysis" Histologyrecode_broad_groupings = "Histology Recode - Broad Groupings" Histologyrecode_Brain_groupings = "Histology Recode - Brain Groupings" TNM_7_CS_v0204_Schema = "TNM 7/CS v0204+ Schema" Race_recode_White_Black_Other = "Race Recode (White, Black, Other)" Race_recode_W_B_AI_API = "Race Recode (W, B, AI, API)" OriginrecodeNHIAHispanicNonHisp = "Origin Recode NHIA (Hispanic, Non-Hispanic)" SEER_historic_stage_A_1973_2015 = "SEER Historic Stage A (1973-2015)" AJCCstage_3rd_edition_1988_2003 = "AJCC Stage 3rd Edition (1988-2003)" SEERmodifiedAJCCstage3rd1988200 = "SEER Modified AJCC Stage 3rd Edition (1988-2003)" Firstmalignantprimary_indicator = "First Malignant Primary Indicator" state = "FIPS State" county = "FIPS County" PRCDA_2017 = "PRCDA - 2017" PRCDA_Region = "PRCDA - Region" COD_to_site_recode = "COD to Site Recode" COD_to_site_rec_KM = "COD to Site Recode KM" Vitalstatusrecodestudycutoffuse = "Vital Status Recode (Study Cutoff Used)" IHS_Link = "IHS LINK" Summary_stage_2000_1998 = "Summary Stage 2000 (1998+)" AYA_site_recode_WHO_2008 = "AYA Site Recode/WHO 2008" Lymphomasubtype_recode_WHO_2008 = "Lymphoma Subtype Recode/WHO 2008" SEERcausespecificdeathclassific = "SEER Cause-Specific Death Classification" SEERothercauseofdeathclassifica = "SEER Other Cause of Death Classification" CSTumor_Size_Ext_Eval_2004_2015 = "CS Tumor Size/Ext Eval (2004-2015) " CS_Reg_Node_Eval_2004_2015 = "CS Reg Node Eval (2004-2015)" CS_Mets_Eval_2004_2015 = "CS Mets Eval (2004-2015)" Primary_by_international_rules = "Primary by International Rules" ERStatusRecodeBreastCancer_1990 = "ER Status Recode Breast Cancer (1990+)" PRStatusRecodeBreastCancer_1990 = "PR Status Recode Breast Cancer (1990+)" CS_Schema_AJCC_6th_Edition = "CS Schema--AJCC 6th Edition" LymphvascularInvasion2004varyin = "Lymph Vascular Invasion (2004+ Varying by Schema)" Derived_AJCC_T_7th_ed_2010 = "Derived AJCC T, 7th Ed 2010-2015)" Derived_AJCC_N_7th_ed_2010 = "Derived AJCC N, 7th Ed 2010-2015)" Derived_AJCC_M_7th_ed_2010 = "Derived AJCC M, 7th Ed 2010-2015)" DerivedAJCCStageGroup7thed_2010 = "Derived AJCC Stage Group, 7th Ed 2010-2015)" BreastAdjustedAJCC6thT1988_2015 = "Breast--Adjusted AJCC 6th T (1988-2015)" BreastAdjustedAJCC6thN1988_2015 = "Breast--Adjusted AJCC 6th N (1988-2015)" BreastAdjustedAJCC6thM1988_2015 = "Breast--Adjusted AJCC 6th M (1988-2015)" BreastAdjustedAJCC6thStage19882 = "Breast--Adjusted AJCC 6th Stage (1988-2015)" Derived_HER2_Recode_2010 = "Derived HER2 Recode (2010+)" Breast_Subtype_2010 = "Breast Subtype (2010+)" LymphomaAnnArborStage_1983_2015 = "Lymphomas: Ann Arbor Staging (1983-2015)" SEERCombinedMetsat_DX_bone_2010 = "SEER Combined Mets at Dx-Bone (2010+)" SEERCombinedMetsatDX_brain_2010 = "SEER Combined Mets at Dx-Brain (2010+)" SEERCombinedMetsatDX_liver_2010 = "SEER Combined Mets at Dx-Liver (2010+)" SEERCombinedMetsat_DX_lung_2010 = "SEER Combined Mets at Dx-Lung (2010+)" TvaluebasedonAJCC_3rd_1988_2003 = "T Value - Based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003)" NvaluebasedonAJCC_3rd_1988_2003 = "N Value - Based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003)" MvaluebasedonAJCC_3rd_1988_2003 = "M Value - Based on AJCC 3rd (1988-2003)" RadiationtoBrainorCNSRecode1988 = "Radiation to Brain or CNS Recode (1988-1997) -- Needs special permission" Census_Tract_1990 = "Census Tract 1990" Census_Tract_2000 = "Census Tract 2000" Census_Tract_2010 = "Census Tract 2010" Census_Coding_System = "Coding System for Census Tract 1970/80/90" Census_Tract_Certainty_1990 = "Census Tract Certainty 1970/1980/1990" Census_Tract_Certainty_2000 = "Census Tract Certainty 2000" Census_Tract_Certainty_2010 = "Census Tract Certainty 2010" Census_Tract_Poverty_Indicator = "Census Tract Poverty Indicator" Rural_Urban_Continuum_Code_1993 = "Rural-Urban Continuum Code 1993 - From SEER*Stat" Rural_Urban_Continuum_Code_2003 = "Rural-Urban Continuum Code 2003 - From SEER*Stat" Rural_Urban_Continuum_Code_2013 = "Rural-Urban Continuum Code 2013 - From SEER*Stat" Health_Service_Area = "Health Service Area - From SEER*Stat" HealthService_Area_NCI_Modified = "Health Service Area NCI Modified - From SEER*Stat" Derived_SS1977_flag = "Derived SS1977 - Flag (2004+)" Derived_SS2000_flag = "Derived SS2000 - Flag (2004+)" Firstcourseofreconstruct1998200 = "First course of reconstruct (1998-2002)" Radiation = "Radiation -- Needs special permission" RadiationtoBrainorCNS_1988_1997 = "Radiation to Brain or CNS (1988-1997) -- Needs special permission" SEER_DateofDeath_Month = "Death Month based on Stat_rec" SEER_DateofDeath_Year = "Death Year based on Stat_rec" Month_of_last_follow_up_recode = "Month of Follow-up recode, study cutoff used" Year_of_last_follow_up_recode = "Year of Follow-up recode, study cutoff used" Year_of_birth = "Year of Birth" Date_of_diagnosis_flag = "Date of Diagnosis Flag" Date_therapy_started_flag = "Date of Therapy Started Flag" Date_of_birth_flag = "Date of Birth flag" Date_of_last_follow_up_flag = "Date of Last Follow-up Flag" Month_therapy_started = "Month Therapy Started" Year_therapy_started = "Year Therapy Started" Other_cancer_directed_therapy = "Other Cancer-Directed Therapy" Derived_AJCC_flag = "Derived AJCC - Flag (2004+)" Derived_SS1977 = "Derived SS1977 (2004-2015)" Derived_SS2000 = "Derived SS2000 (2004+)" SEER_Summary_stage_1977_9500 = "SEER summary stage 1977(1995-2000)" SEER_Summary_stage_2000_0103 = "SEER summary stage 2000(2001-2003)" NAPIIA_Derived_API_Race = "NAPIIA Derived API Race" Primary_Payer_at_DX = "Primary Payer at DX -- Needs special permission" COD_ICD_code = "COD ICD code" Cause_of_Death_ICD_8_or_9 = "Cause of Death (ICD-8 or 9)" Cause_of_Death_ICD_10 = "Cause of Death (ICD 10)" Recode_ICD_0_2_to_9 = "Recode ICD-O-2 to 9" Recode_ICD_0_2_to_10 = "Recode ICD-O-2 to 10" NHIA_Derived_Hisp_Origin = "NHIA Dervied Hispanic Origin" Age_site_edit_override = "Age-site edit override" Sequencenumber_dx_conf_override = "Sequence number-dx conf override" Site_type_lat_seq_override = "Site-type-lat-seq override" Surgerydiagnostic_conf_override = "Surgery-diagnostic conf override" Site_type_edit_override = "Site-type edit override" Histology_edit_override = "Histology edit override" Report_source_sequence_override = "Report source sequence override" Seq_ill_defined_site_override = "Seq-ill-defined site override" LeukLymphdxconfirmationoverride = "Leuk-Lymph dx confirmation override" Site_behavior_override = "Site-behavior override" Site_EOD_dx_date_override = "Site-EOD-dx date override" Site_laterality_EOD_override = "Site-laterality-EOD override" Site_laterality_morph_override = "Site-laterality-morph override" Insurance_Recode_2007 = "Insurance Recode (2007+) -- Needs special permission" Yost_ACS_2006_2010 = "Yost Index (ACS 2006-2010)" Yost_ACS_2010_2014 = "Yost Index (ACS 2010-2014)" Yost_ACS_2013_2017 = "Yost Index (ACS 2013-2017)" Yost_ACS_2006_2010_State_based = "Yost Index (ACS 2006-2010) - State Based" Yost_ACS_2010_2014_State_based = "Yost Index (ACS 2010-2014) - State Based" Yost_ACS_2013_2017_State_based = "Yost Index (ACS 2013-2017) - State Based" Yost_ACS_2006_2010_quintile = "Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2006-2010)" Yost_ACS_2010_2014_quintile = "Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2010-2014)" Yost_ACS_2013_2017_quintile = "Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2013-2017)" YostACS20062010quintileStatebas = "Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2006-2010) - State Based" YostACS20102014quintileStatebas = "Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2010-2014) - State Based" YostACS20132017quintileStatebas = "Yost Index Quintile (ACS 2013-2017) - State Based" HPV_recode_2010 = "HPV Recode (2010+) -- Needs special permission" in_medicaid_flag = "Medicaid Enrollment Flag" OncotypeDXBreastRecurrenceScore = "Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score -- Needs special permission" OncotypeDXRSgroupRS18RS1830RS30 = "Oncotype DX RS group (RS < 18, RS 18-30, RS > 30) -- Needs special permission" OncotypeDXreasonno_score_linked = "Oncotype DX reason no score linked -- Needs special permission" Oncotype_DX_year_of_test_report = "Oncotype DX year of test report -- Needs special permission" OncotypeDX_month_of_test_report = "Oncotype DX month of test report -- Needs special permission" OncotypeDXmonthssince_diagnosis = "Oncotype DX months since diagnosis -- Needs special permission" ; run; proc contents data=SEER_in position; run;