/* Published: 03/01/2021 */ /*************** IMPORTANT PROGRAMING NOTES ************************/ /* */ /* If you are using PC SAS to read in these files you will have to */ /* un-zip the files first and use the un-zipped filename statement, */ /* rather than using the zipped files and statement. */ /* */ /* This version is for the OASIS FAC files for 1999-2017. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ *filename oasfacin '/directory/oasisfac2017.txt'; /* reading in an un-zipped file* / *filename oasfacin pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/oasisfac2017.txt.gz'; /* reading in a zipped file */ filename oasfacin pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/oasisfac*.txt.gz'; /* using wildcard to match multiple files */ data oasisfac; infile oasfacin lrecl=342 missover pad; input @00001 STATE_ID $char2. @00003 FAC_INTRNL_ID $char10. /* Encrypted */ @00025 FAC_ID $char16. /* Encrypted */ @00041 LOGIN_ID $char16. @00057 FAC_NAME $char50. @00107 PRVDR_ADDR $char50. @00157 PRVDR_CITY_NAME $char50. @00207 PRVDR_STATE_CD $char2. @00209 PRVDR_ZIP_CD $char11. @00220 PRVDR_ZIP_PLUS_CD $char4. @00224 PRVDR_TEL_NUM $char20. @00244 PRVDR_FAX_NUM $char20. @00264 PRVDR_CTGRY_CD $char2. @00266 PRVDR_CLOSE_DT $char8. /* YYMMDD8 */ @00274 ADD_DT $char8. /* YYMMDD8 */ @00282 MDS_IND_SW $char17. @00299 PRVDR_MDCD_ID $char15. /* Encrypted */ @00314 PRVDR_NUM $char12. /* Encrypted */ @00326 HHA_IND_SW $char17. ; label STATE_ID = "State Abbreviation Code" FAC_INTRNL_ID = "Facility Internal ID" FAC_ID = "Facility ID" LOGIN_ID = "Login ID" FAC_NAME = "Facility Name" PRVDR_ADDR = "Street Address" PRVDR_CITY_NAME = "City Name" PRVDR_STATE_CD = "Mailing State Code" PRVDR_ZIP_CD = "Zip Code" PRVDR_ZIP_PLUS_CD = "Plus Zip Code" PRVDR_TEL_NUM = "Telephone Number" PRVDR_FAX_NUM = "Fax Number" PRVDR_CTGRY_CD = "Provider Category Code" PRVDR_CLOSE_DT = "Provider Closed Date" ADD_DT = "Add Date" MDS_IND_SW = "MDS Indicator Switch" PRVDR_MDCD_ID = "Provider Medicare Medicaid Vendor ID" PRVDR_NUM = "Provider Number" HHA_IND_SW = "HHA Indicator Switch" ; proc contents data=oasisfac position; run;