HDRP Newsletter, June 2017

Message from the Associate Director

Photograph of Paul Jacobsen

It’s summer in DC and with the increasing temperatures, we have several activities heating up here as well. In our last newsletter, we talked about our engagement on several efforts in response to the Cancer Moonshot’s Blue Ribbon Panel recommendations. I have been leading a DCCPS-wide group on symptom management research that has developed a concept focused on improving assessment and management of common symptoms as part of routine clinical practice. Several of my HDRP colleagues have been working with others in DCCPS to shape other concepts, including one on accelerating colorectal cancer screening and follow-up through implementation science, another on developing new approaches to identifying and caring for individuals with inherited cancer syndromes, and yet another on evaluating ways to analyze patient-reported outcomes data. These concepts, along with many others being proposed throughout NCI, were presented at the joint Board of Scientific Advisors/National Cancer Advisory Board meeting on June 20-21, 2017. All four were approved and the next step will be drafting and publishing the official notice of funding opportunity (NOFO). Continuing with the fast pace of Cancer Moonshot activities, we anticipate making initial awards in fiscal year 2018.

Elsewhere around the program, we held our third annual staff retreat at the end of last month and it was a great success. We spent the day taking a step back to reflect on our core identity as a group and how we can best work together to advance the science of healthcare delivery. We thought about cross-cutting research themes that should be a priority for development over the next several years and discussed processes for reviewing and reinvigorating some of our existing initiatives. As with any opportunity to step outside the daily routine, this retreat left us with renewed vigor and dedication for working to improve cancer care delivery. I encourage you to subscribe to our listservExternal Web Site Policy to stay up-to-date on all of our ongoing activities.

Paul Jacobsen, PhD

Spotlight on… Financial Burden

The growth of lay media coverage and expanding scientific literature has drawn greater attention to the burden that many patients face because of their cancer care costs. There is a growing body of evidence that financial burden is associated with diminished quality of life and increased mortality. NCI includes financial burden as a topic in the PDQ® series aimed at health professional educationExternal Web Site Policy and in materials aimed at assisting patientsExternal Web Site Policy.

At our recent HDRP retreat, financial burden emerged as an important topic that cuts across all the research areas in our portfolio. We recognized the need to invest more staff time and effort in coordinating our existing activities and establishing priorities for future initiatives. A small working group has begun to develop a plan that will be vetted internally at the end of the year. Stay tuned for opportunities to engage with us on this topic in spring of 2018.

In the meantime, we want the research community to know that we are strongly committed to research on this topic, particularly testing interventions designed to alleviate financial burden. Investigators preparing applications in this area should be sure to confirm that their proposed activities fall within the NIH priorities described the Guide Notice Clarifying NIH Priorities for Health Economics Research (NOT-OD-16-025External Web Site Policy).

We also want to call your attention to several active notice of funding opportunities within the division that address this important area, including:

HDRP staff welcome the opportunity to consult with investigators about financial burden research and any related notices or notice of funding opportunities.


Funding Opportunities

Several notice of funding opportunities (NOFOs) with relevance to healthcare delivery research are mentioned below. For a full list of open announcements across the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, please visit the DCCPS Funding Opportunities pageExternal Web Site Policy. Be sure to also look for funding opportunities available across NCIExternal Web Site Policy that may be applicable to your areas of research.

Palliative Care Needs of Individuals with Rare Advanced Diseases and Their Family Caregivers s (R01External Web Site Policy/R21External Web Site Policy)

This NOFO seeks to expand knowledge and increase the evidence base for palliative care in advanced rare diseases, including rare cancers, and to improve physical and psychosocial well-being and quality of life among seriously ill individuals and their family caregivers.

Reducing Overscreening for Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancers among Older Adults (R01External Web Site Policy/R21External Web Site Policy)

The purpose of this NOFO is to promote research on interventions, based in healthcare settings, designed to reduce overscreening for breast, cervical, or colorectal cancers among average-risk older adults.

Oral Anticancer Agents: Utilization, Adherence, and Health Care Delivery (R01External Web Site Policy/R21External Web Site Policy)

The purpose of this NOFO is to encourage research grant applications to: (1) assess and describe the current state of oral anticancer medication utilization, delivery, and adherence; (2) identify structural, systemic, and psychosocial barriers to adherence; and (3) develop models and strategies to improve safe and effective delivery of these agents so that clinical outcomes are optimized.

Intervening with Cancer Caregivers to Improve Patient Health Outcomes and Optimize Health Care Utilization (R01External Web Site Policy/R21External Web Site Policy)

This NOFO invites applications for intervention research designed to support caregivers of adult cancer patients.

Linking the Provider Recommendation to Adolescent HPV Vaccine Uptake (R01External Web Site Policy/R03External Web Site Policy/R21External Web Site Policy)

This NOFO encourages research on how the healthcare delivery system enhances or inhibits the effectiveness of a provider's recommendation of the adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

Multilevel Interventions in Cancer Care Delivery: Building from the Problem of Follow-up to Abnormal Screening Tests (U01External Web Site Policy)

This NOFO encourages applications that develop and test multilevel interventions to improve follow-up to abnormal screening tests for breast, colorectal, cervical and lung cancers.

Summer Fellows

Sandra Hong

Photograph of Sandra Hong

Sandra is a summer intern in the HDRP Office of the Associate Director working under the mentorship of Kate Castro. Sandra will be working with the NCORP Cancer Care Delivery Research team on initiatives with NCORP’s 7 Research Bases and 46 community oncology practices. Currently, is an undergraduate at the Johns Hopkins University, pursuing a B.A. in Public Health Studies, B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology, and a minor in Entrepreneurship and Management.

Dalena Nguyen

Photograph of Dalena Nguyen

Dalena is a summer fellow in the Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch working under the mentorship of Sallie Weaver and Veronica Chollette. Dalena will be working on a portfolio analysis to identify funded grants that explore teamwork processes or evaluate team-based care models. She will also be working on projects related to the management of a Healthcare Teams Learning Community. Dalena earned her B.S. in Physiology and Neuroscience and a minor in Urban Studies and Planning from the University of California, San Diego. She is currently a graduate student at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences.

Staff Publications, January - June 2017

Basch E, Pugh SL, Dueck AC, Mitchell SA, Berk L, Fogh S, Rogak LJ, Gatewood M, Reeve BB, Mendoza TR, O'Mara AM, Denicoff AM, Minasian LM, Bennett AV, Setser A, Schrag D, Roof K, Moore JK, Gergel T, Stephans K, Rimner A, DeNittis A, Bruner DW. Feasibility of Patient Reporting of Symptomatic Adverse Events via the Patient-Reported Outcomes Version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE) in a Chemoradiotherapy Cooperative Group Multicenter Clinical Trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2017 Jun 1;98(2):409-418. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Bevans M, El-Jawahri A, Tierney DK, Wiener L, Wood WA, Hoodin F, Kent EE, Jacobsen PB, Lee SJ, Hsieh MM, Denzen EM, Syrjala KL. National Institutes of Health Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Late Effects Initiative: The Patient-Centered Outcomes Working Group Report. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Apr;23(4):538-551. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Bluethmann SM, Murphy CC, Tiro JA, Mollica MA, Vernon SW, Bartholomew LK. Deconstructing Decisions to Initiate, Maintain, or Discontinue Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Mixed-Methods Study. Oncol Nurs Forum 2017 May 1;44(3):E101-E110. doi: 10.1188/17.ONF.E101-E110. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Bradley CJ, Yabroff KR, Mariotto AB, Zeruto C, Tran Q, Warren JL. Antineoplastic Treatment of Advanced-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Treatment, Survival, and Spending (2000 to 2011). J Clin Oncol 2017 Jan 3:JCO2016694166. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Bradley CJ, Yabroff KR, Warren JL, Zeruto C, Chawla N, Lamont EB. Use of High-cost Systemic Treatments in Elderly mCRC Patients. Med Care 2017 Jan;55(1):86-87. [Look up in PubMed]External Web Site Policy

Chollette V, Beasley DD, Abdiwahab E, Taplin S. Health Information Systems Approach to Managing Task Interdependence in Cancer Care Teams. J Oncol Pract 2017 Mar;13(3):154-156. [Look up in PubMed]External Web Site Policy

de Moor JS, Dowling EC, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Rodriguez J, Virgo KS, Han X, Kent EE, Li C, Litzelman K, McNeel TS, Liu B, Yabroff KR. Employment implications of informal cancer caregiving. J Cancer Surviv 2017 Feb;11(1):48-57. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Enewold L, Sharon E, Harlan LC. Metastatic Melanoma: Treatment and Survival in the U.S. after the Introduction of Ipilimumab and Vemurafenib. Oncol Res Treat 2017;40(4):174-183. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Geiger AM. Symptom Management: War Problems, Moonshot Solutions? J Natl Cancer Inst 2017 Apr 1;109(4). [Look up in PubMed]External Web Site Policy

Halpern MT, Urato MP, Kent EE. The health care experience of patients with cancer during the last year of life: Analysis of the SEER-CAHPS data set. Cancer 2017 Jan 1;123(2):336-344. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Hamilton JG, Abdiwahab E, Edwards HM, Fang ML, Jdayani A, Breslau ES. Primary care providers' cancer genetic testing-related knowledge, attitudes, and communication behaviors: A systematic review and research agenda. J Gen Intern Med 2017 Mar;32(3):315-324. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Hays RD, Chawla N, Kent EE, Arora NK. Measurement equivalence of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Medicare survey items between Whites and Asians. Qual Life Res 2017 Feb;26(2):311-318. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Jacobsen PB. New Challenges in Psycho-Oncology Research II: A health care delivery, dissemination, and implementation research model to promote psychosocial care in routine cancer care. Psychooncology 2017 Apr;26(4):419-423. [Look up in PubMed]External Web Site Policy

Jensen RE, Potosky AL, Moinpour CM, Lobo T, Cella D, Hahn EA, Thissen D, Smith AW, Ahn J, Luta G, Reeve BB. United States Population-Based Estimates of Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Symptom and Functional Status Reference Values for Individuals With Cancer. J Clin Oncol 2017 Jun 10;35(17):1913-1920. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Jensen RE, Moinpour CM, Potosky AL, Lobo T, Hahn EA, Hays RD, Cella D, Smith AW, Wu XC, Keegan TH, Paddock LE, Stroup AM, Eton DT. Responsiveness of 8 Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) measures in a large, community-based cancer study cohort. Cancer 2017 Jan 1;123(2):327-335. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Kaniski F, Enewold L, Thomas A, Malik S, Stevens JL, Harlan LC. Temporal patterns of care and outcomes of non-small cell lung cancer patients in the United States diagnosed in 1996, 2005, and 2010. Lung Cancer 2017 Jan;103:66-74. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Knoerl R, Gray E, Stricker C, Mitchell SA, Kippe K, Smith G, Dudley WN, Lavoie Smith EM. Electronic versus paper-pencil methods for assessing chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Support Care Cancer 2017 Jun 2. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Kobrin S, Rendle KA. Principles for being theoretical-Increasing the impact of research conducted in primary care. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2017 May;26(3). [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Kummar S, O'Sullivan Coyne G, Do KT, Turkbey B, Meltzer PS, Polley E, Choyke PL, Meehan R, Vilimas R, Horneffer Y, Juwara L, Lih A, Choudhary A, Mitchell SA, Helman LJ, Doroshow JH, Chen AP. Clinical Activity of the ?-Secretase Inhibitor PF-03084014 in Adults With Desmoid Tumors (Aggressive Fibromatosis). J Clin Oncol 2017 May 10;35(14):1561-1569. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Lee MS, Small BJ, Jacobsen PB. Rethinking barriers: a novel conceptualization of exercise barriers in cancer survivors. Psychol Health Med 2017 May 4:1-8. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Litzelman K, Kent EE, Rowland JH. Interrelationships Between Health Behaviors and Coping Strategies Among Informal Caregivers of Cancer Survivors. Health Educ Behav 2017 Apr 1:1090198117705164. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Mendoza TR, Dueck AC, Bennett AV, Mitchell SA, Reeve BB, Atkinson TM, Li Y, Castro KM, Denicoff A, Rogak LJ, Piekarz RL, Cleeland CS, Sloan JA, Schrag D, Basch E. Evaluation of different recall periods for the U.S. National Cancer Institute's PRO-CTCAE. Clin Trials 2017 Jun;14(3):255-263. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Moinpour CM, Donaldson GW, Davis KM, Potosky AL, Jensen RE, Gralow JR, Back AL, Hwang JJ, Yoon J, Bernard DL, Loeffler DR, Rothrock NE, Hays RD, Reeve BB, Smith AW, Hahn EA, Cella D. The challenge of measuring intra-individual change in fatigue during cancer treatment. Qual Life Res 2017 Feb;26(2):259-271. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Randhawa GS, Ahern DK, Hesse BW. Information technology-enabled team-based, patient-centered care: the example of depression screening and management in cancer care. Health Policy Technol 2017 Mar;6(1):67-71.

Shaw BE, Hahn T, Martin PJ, Mitchell SA, Petersdorf EW, Armstrong GT, Shelburne N, Storer BE, Bhatia S. National Institutes of Health Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Late Effects Initiative: The Research Methodology and Study Design Working Group Report. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2017 Jan;23(1):10-23. Review. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Spain P, Teixeira-Poit S, Halpern MT, Castro K, Prabhu Das I, Adjei B, Lewis R, Clauser SB. The National Cancer Institute Community Cancer Centers Program (NCCCP): Sustaining Quality and Reducing Disparities in Guideline-Concordant Breast and Colon Cancer Care. Oncologist 2017 May 9. pii: theoncologist.2016-0252. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Warren JL, Harlan LC, Trimble EL, Stevens J, Grimes M, Cronin KA. Trends in the receipt of guideline care and survival for women with ovarian cancer: A population-based study. Gynecol Oncol 2017 Jun;145(3):486-492. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

White A, Thompson TD, White MC, Sabatino SA, de Moor J, Doria-Rose PV, Geiger AM, Richardson LC. Cancer Screening Test Use - United States, 2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 Mar 3;66(8):201-206. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6608a1. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Last Updated: 17 Jan, 2025