Cross-cutting Research Areas

The Healthcare Delivery Research Program (HDRP) studies and funds research to improve the delivery of cancer-related care. The cross-cutting research areas listed below have been developed to highlight selected HDRP research priorities.

The Healthcare Teams initiative aims to advance a program of research that supports the development and implementation of evidence-based strategies that improve healthcare team functioning, care coordination, and cancer-related outcomes.

HDRP advances research on social determinants of health to improve outcomes among individuals at risk for cancer, cancer survivors, and their caregivers.

Cancer health economic research is the application of health economics theory and models to cancer prevention and screening, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, and end-of-life care. This research also examines the cost of care faced by the patient, family, payer, and society.

HDRP is interested in identification and assessment of health care delivery practices that can lead to cancer prevention, screen detection, and early diagnosis.

HDRP promotes research to understand the perspectives and facilitate health care delivery among people undergoing cancer treatment, other survivors, and their family members to optimize health and well-being.

Digital Healthcare examines the intersection of technology and healthcare delivery. An area of research within Digital Healthcare, Telehealth focuses on improving cancer care by integrating its components into care delivery models across the cancer control continuum.

To ensure that researchers are well-informed about the science and relevant outcomes, HDRP supports and facilitates training, courses, workshops, as well as measurement systems to optimize healthcare delivery for cancer care.

Last Updated: 21 Feb, 2025