Multilevel Interventions in Cancer Care Delivery: Follow-up to Abnormal Screening Tests
This webinar provides an overview of the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), Multilevel Interventions in Cancer Care Delivery: Follow-up to Abnormal Screening Tests (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) [PA-17-495]. This NOFO encourages applications that develop and test multilevel interventions to improve follow-up to abnormal screening tests for breast, cervical, colorectal, or lung cancers. Applications should propose to intervene at two or more levels—including patient, provider, clinical team, clinic, healthcare institution, and/or community setting—and measure outcomes at three or more levels, while accounting for interactions that occur between and across levels.

Erica S. Breslau, PhD, MPH
Program Director
Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch
Healthcare Delivery Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
This webinar will be archived on the HDRP Events webpage.