HDRP Newsletter, August 2016

Message from Acting Associate Director, Ann Geiger

Photograph of Ann Geiger

The Healthcare Delivery Research Program is now firmly established within the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. We have a shared mission and understanding of how our group fits together scientifically. Our collaborations within the Division and across NCI, NIH, and other federal agencies are growing. The process of revitalizing existing initiatives and finalizing planned notice of funding opportunities is well underway.

We are thus turning our attention to thematic areas that will be the focus of future activities. This newsletter features one area, value, that has been a topic of discussion the past few months. You will also find updates on several major initiatives, introductions to new staff members, and a list of recent staff publications.

In keeping with HDRP's increasing engagement in the topic of value, on June 10, 2016, I represented the Program and Division at the first workshop of the 2016-17 President's Cancer PanelExternal Web Site Policy. The Panel is charged with reporting barriers to reducing cancer burden to the President. They have chosen access to high-value cancer drugs as their focus for the coming year. The June meetingExternal Web Site Policy included participants from pharmaceutical companies, patient advocacy organizations, academic institutions, professional societies, and federal agencies. The goal of the day was to identify issues that merit further exploration in future meetings. A summary is available hereExternal Web Site Policy. You can keep informed about these activities by following @PresCancelPanel and monitoring #CancerRxValue on Twitter/X.

We expect that a permanent Associate Director of HDRP will be in place in September, at which time I will return to my permanent position as Chief of the Healthcare Assessment Research Branch. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the acting Associate Director for the past two years. Working with my NCI colleagues to create this Program has been a joy. My many interactions with patients, clinicians, scientists, and others have been informative and inspiring. I look forward to ongoing engagement as HDRP continues to advance innovative research to improve cancer care.

Ann Geiger
Acting Associate Director
Healthcare Delivery Research Program

Spotlight on… Value

A key reason for creating HDRP was the desire to enhance NCI's role in generating evidence to inform efforts to improve the value of cancer care. Although the principle of value is implicit in much that HDRP has done to date, we are beginning to explicitly frame our future activities in terms of how they can contribute to defining and creating value-based cancer care. To that end, we focused several recent discussions and our second annual HDRP retreat on how to meaningfully integrate considerations of value into our existing and upcoming initiatives.

While we were unable to concisely define value beyond the standard description as outcomes divided by costs, we have begun to articulate the ways in which research can inform efforts to improve the value of cancer care. Scientists are adept at specifying hypotheses and thus can clearly state the specific outcomes and costs of interest in a specific care situation. They also can develop and apply measures of outcomes and costs that recognize the potentially differing viewpoints and priorities of patients, caregivers, clinicians, systems, and society. Studies can be designed to explicitly assess the point at which the balance between potential outcomes and costs suggests that delivering a specific type of care may be ill-advised. Developing and testing communication and decision-making strategies will be an essential step in fully incorporating discussions of value into clinical care.

HDRP staff are enthusiastic about integrating components of value into our existing and new initiatives. The morning of our retreat provided an opportunity for staff to brainstorm about possible new initiatives that would result in new knowledge about value, as well as interventions to delivery of high-value care. The afternoon continued with presentations and discussions about integrating relevant components of value into existing initiatives or initiatives under development by program staff. We will be translating these conversations into notice of funding opportunities and other activities throughout the fall.

Working for You…

Developing New Tools: PRO-CTCAE™ Available for Clinical Trials Research

The Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE) is a patient-reported outcome measurement system developed to evaluate symptomatic toxicity in patients on cancer clinical trials. It was designed to be used in clinical trials as a companion to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) - the standard method for clinicians to report adverse events in NCI-sponsored clinical trials - to capture symptomatic treatment side effects from the patient perspective using a systematic yet flexible approach. More information about PRO-CTCAE, including a detailed overview, the English and Spanish versions of the instrument, permissions to use PRO-CTCAE, a custom form builder, and other resources, is available on the HDRP website.

Funding Data Collection: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Cancer Control Supplement (CCS) Data Now Available

In 2015, DCCPS and CDC's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control sponsored a 20-minute NHIS Cancer Control Supplement, which features questions about cancer diet, physical activity, tobacco, cancer screening (skin, cervical, breast, lung, prostate, and colorectal), genetic testing and counseling, and family history of cancer. These data allow us to assess important questions pertaining to cancer prevention, control, and survivorship at the population level. The 2015 CCS also provides an opportunity to assess the impact of changes to reimbursement structures on cancer control. The survey documents and related data files can be found hereExternal Web Site Policy.

Exploring Emerging Research Topics: NCI-ASCO Teams in Cancer Care Workshop and Journal Supplement

The NCI-ASCO Teams in Cancer Care Delivery project brings together self-selected groups of two or more clinicians and scientists working to uncover and address challenges in teamwork within the clinical setting. In February, these groups and others attended a workshop held in conjunction with the ASCO Quality of Care Symposium. The groups were given a platform to present a synopsis of their work and receive feedback and input through small group discussions. The workshop provided an action-oriented and participatory approach to further developing an emerging area of research. Papers that were presented at the workshop are in development and will be submitted to the Journal of Oncology Practice for peer review and a dedicated supplement on this topic.

Publishing Research Findings: PROMIS Manuscripts

In March 2016, the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology provided online access to a series of six research manuscriptsExternal Web Site Policy characterizing evidence for the clinical validity of nine measures from the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System® (PROMIS®)External Web Site Policy. These manuscripts demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate and meaningful applications of PROMIS domains of pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, anger, physical function, and satisfaction with social function. Initially developed as an NIH Common Fund initiative, PROMIS measures patient-reported health statues for physical, mental, and social well-being. PROMIS is now made available as part of a larger research resource, HealthMeasures, which disseminates four state-of-the-science measurement systems developed across NIH.

Publishing Research Findings: AYA

In April 2016, Cancer published five research manuscriptsExternal Web Site Policy on cancer in Adolescent and Young Adults (AYA), summarizing findings from a 2013 NCI workshop entitled Next Steps in Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology. The workshop reviewed scientific evidence for AYA oncology across epidemiology, basic biology, clinical trials, health services and medical care, and health-related quality-of-life research. The manuscripts summarized current data on AYAs with cancer and made recommendations for future research priorities.

Publishing Books: Oncology Informatics, 1st Edition

The book, Oncology Informatics, 1st Edition: Using Health Information Technology to Improve Processes and Outcomes in CancerExternal Web Site Policy, was published in March 2016 as a guide for using informatics tools in cancer care. Applicable to practitioners, health care professionals, and researchers alike, this book offers perspectives on implementing heath IT solutions, creating effective IT interfaces, and using IT to accelerate discovery and translation into practice.

Facilitating Population-based Analyses: SEER-MHOS Algorithms for Bridging SF-36 and VR-12 Data

The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (SEER-MHOS) linked database provides a research resource designed to improve understanding of the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of cancer patients and survivors enrolled in Medicare health plans. From 1998-2005, the primary HRQOL measure of physical and emotional functioning was collected using the SF-36. However, in 2006 the VR-12, a shorter instrument, replaced the SF-36 on the MHOS. To account for the differences between these instruments, in addition to and distinct from secular population health trends, HDRP supported psychometric work to develop algorithms that bridge the eight respective scales (general health, physical functioning, physical roles, bodily pain, vitality, social functioning, emotional roles, and mental health) of the SF-36 and VR-12. These algorithms are now available to researchers, along with a full technical report, and can be obtained by contacting us. In addition, the Outcomes Research Branch Virtual Speaker Series hosted Dr. Lewis Kazis and Dr. Bill Rogers from Boston University, who presented a webinar on March 23 synopsizing this project.

Looking Ahead…

Evidence-based Approaches for Optimizing Employment Outcomes among Cancer Survivors

Adverse employment outcomes are an understudied side effect of cancer, its treatment, and late or lasting effects of treatment. Although research has begun to describe the impact of cancer on employment, major gaps in literature remain. In mid-August, HDRP will convene a closed meeting of targeted experts to identify a research agenda for optimizing employment outcomes among cancer survivors. Participants will engage in facilitated discussions focused on addressing three broad areas of research, including (1) observational research needed to better understand work disability among cancer survivors, (2) observational research needed to inform interventions for improving work outcomes, and (3) possible leverage points for introducing interventions. Products from this meeting will include a research agenda-setting paper and a future notice of funding opportunity.

Creating New Data Sets: SEER-CAHPS

HDRP staff have been working hard to develop a publicly available resource for the SEER-Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (SEER-CAHPS) linked data for quality-of-care research. The SEER-CAHPS is based on a linkage between NCI's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) cancer registry data and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Medicare Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) patient surveys. The data resource links three types of data: registry (SEER), survey (CAHPS), and administrative/billing (Medicare claims and enrollment files). More information about SEER-CAHPS is available here, and we anticipate that the data set will be publicly released in late 2016.

Patterns of Care/Quality of Care (POC/QOC) Areas of Focus in 2016

The overarching goal of the POC/QOC initiative is to evaluate the dissemination of state-of-the-art therapies into community practice. With the majority of adjuvant therapies provided in the outpatient setting, these studies offer information on the receipt of therapies verified through physician contact as well as additional data, such as biomarkers, assays, and genetic testing. As NCI moves forward with various precision medicine initiatives, the POC/QOC provides a unique opportunity to ascertain the use and influence of new biomarkers, assays, and genetic tests and to describe disparities in the dissemination of these tests. Studies conducted this year will abstract colorectal, breast, and non-small cell lung cancer patient data from diagnosis year 2015. Stage II/III colorectal cancer and early-stage breast cancer were first collected in the POC/QOC studies in 1990 and non-small cell lung cancer was first collected in 1996. The addition of the 2015 diagnosis year data will provide 20- and 25-year population-based trends in treatment of these cancers and will allow us to examine the impact and uptake of new therapies and assays.

PROSPR RFA in Development

On March, 29, 2016, NCI's Board of Scientific Advisors approved a reissuance concept for the Population-based Research Optimizing Screening through Personalized Regimens (PROSPR) initiative. This reissuance will emphasize continued surveillance of population measures of progress through the screening process, observational research to evaluate factors that affect the screening process and its quality, and pilot interventions to improve the screening process.

Funding Opportunities

Several new notice of funding opportunities (NOFOs) with relevance to health care delivery research are mentioned below. For a full list of open announcements across the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, please visit the DCCPS Funding OpportunitiesExternal Web Site Policy page.

Intervening with Cancer Caregivers to Improve Patient Health Outcomes and Optimize Health Care Utilization

This NOFO invites applications for intervention research designed to support caregivers of adult cancer patients. Interventions are intended to provide caregivers with care training, promote coping skills, and ultimately help them manage care. Outcomes of such interventions are expected to (1) optimize patient health care utilization, (2) improve caregiver well-being, and (3) improve patient physical health and psychosocial outcomes. (R01External Web Site Policy / R21External Web Site Policy)

Linking the Provider Recommendation to Adolescent HPV Vaccine Uptake

This NOFO encourages research on how the health care delivery system enhances or inhibits the effectiveness of a provider's recommendation of the adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Characteristics of the provider, parent/patient, and clinical setting, can all affect whether a provider makes a recommendation, and whether that recommendation results in uptake of the HPV vaccine. This research requires expertise in cancer prevention, adult and childhood behavior, immunization promotion, and health care delivery. (R01External Web Site Policy / R03External Web Site Policy / R21External Web Site Policy)

Research Infrastructure Development for Interdisciplinary Aging Studies

This NOFO invites applications that propose to develop novel research infrastructure that will advance the science of aging in specific areas requiring interdisciplinary partnerships or collaborations. Through this award, investigators will develop a sustainable research infrastructure to support projects that address key interdisciplinary aging research questions. (R21 / R33External Web Site Policy)

Advanced-stage Development and Utilization of Research Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Aging Studies

This NOFO invites applications that propose advanced-stage development and utilization of novel research infrastructure to advance the science of aging in specific areas requiring interdisciplinary partnerships or collaborations. Through this award, investigators will develop a mature and sustainable research infrastructure to support projects that address key interdisciplinary aging research questions. (R33External Web Site Policy)

Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Sciences

The purpose of this NOFO is to invite qualified researchers to submit grant applications aimed at improving and developing methodology in the behavioral and social sciences through innovations in research design, measurement, data collection, and data analysis techniques. (R01External Web Site Policy / R21External Web Site Policy)

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health

The purpose of this NOFO is to support innovative approaches for identifying, developing, testing, evaluating, and/or refining strategies to disseminate and implement evidence-based practices (e.g., behavioral interventions; prevention, early detection, diagnostic, treatment, and disease management interventions; quality improvement programs) into public health, clinical practice, and community settings. Conversely, there is a benefit in understanding circumstances that create a need to "de-implement" or reduce the use of strategies and interventions that are not evidence based, have been prematurely widely adopted, yield suboptimal benefits for patients, or are harmful or wasteful. In addition, studies to advance dissemination and implementation research methods and measures are encouraged. (R01External Web Site Policy / R03External Web Site Policy / R21External Web Site Policy)

Surgical Disparities Research

The purpose of this NOFO is to support investigative and collaborative research focused on understanding and addressing disparities in surgical care and outcomes, in minority and health disparity populations. While the goal is to better understand and explore effectiveness of clinical intervention approaches for addressing surgical disparities, this initiative will also seek to identify multi-level strategies at the institutional and systems level. (R01External Web Site Policy / R21External Web Site Policy)

New Staff

Brenda A. Adjei, MPA, EdD

Photograph of Brenda A. Adjei

Brenda A. Adjei is a Public Health Advisor in the Office of the Associate Director (OAD) and is currently a Program Director (PD) for the Cancer Care Delivery Research component of the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP). Prior to joining HDRP, she was a PD for the NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities Integrated Networks Program where she served as the director of the NCI's National Outreach Network. She also co-led the NCI Community Cancer Centers Program's (NCCCP) Disparities Program. Brenda's research and programmatic interests include cancer health disparities, behavioral oncology, community-based participatory research, as well as the evaluation, dissemination, and implementation of effective cancer prevention and control interventions across diverse populations and settings.

Genevieve Grimes, MS

Genevieve Grimes is a Health Science Analyst in the Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch (HSIRB). She works with the program management team on administrative functions across the program and also supports strategic planning efforts within HSIRB. Genevieve comes to HDRP from the NCI Office of Science Planning where she contributed to the development of the Institute's annual plan and budget proposal. She also led the coordination and submission of the NCI response to the Women's Health Research Biennial Report for FY 11-12 and FY 13-14 and was the project team lead on various strategic planning activities across NCI.

Dolly Penn, MD, MSCR

Photograph of Dolly Penn

Dolly Penn joined the Healthcare Assessment Research Branch (HARB) in March 2016 as a Medical Officer and Program Director. Prior to joining HARB, she completed Preventive Medicine Residency training at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she was involved in clinical and research training since 2009. Dolly's research interests include using large national databases to study cancer prevention and control, cancer health disparities, and differences in cancer care by patient characteristics and by the characteristics of the organization in which the patients receive care.

Gurvaneet Randhawa, MD, MPH

Gurvaneet Randhawa is a Medical Officer in the Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch (HSIRB). Before joining NCI, he was with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for 13 years. During his time at AHRQ, Gurvaneet worked on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) program and led four RFAs that created four new programs, including Prospective Outcome Systems using Patient-specific Electronic data to Compare Tests and therapies (PROSPECT); scalable distributed research networks; enhanced registries for quality improvement (QI) and comparative effectiveness research (CER); and the Electronic Data Methods (EDM) Forum. Collectively, these projects provided a foundation for the PCORI-supported National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet). Gurvaneet has also worked with the Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness (DEcIDE) Network, Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTs), and the Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) programs.

Staff Publications, January-July 2016

Arnold B, Mitchell SA, Lent L, Mendoza TR, Rogak LJ, Barragán NM, Willis G, Medina M, Lechner S, Penedo FJ, Harness JK, Basch EM; PRO-CTCAE Spanish Translation and Linguistic Validation Study Group. Linguistic validation of the Spanish version of the National Cancer Institute's Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE). Support Care Cancer 2016 Jul;24(7):2843-51. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Bæksted C, Nissen A, Pappot H, Bidstrup PE, Mitchell SA, Basch E, Dalton SO, Johansen C. Danish Translation and Linguistic Validation of the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE). J Pain Symptom Manage 2016 Apr 15. pii: S0885-3924(16)30045-8. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Banegas MP, Guy GP Jr, de Moor JS, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS, Kent EE, Nutt S, Zheng Z, Rechis R, Yabroff KR. For Working-Age Cancer Survivors, Medical Debt And Bankruptcy Create Financial Hardships. Health Aff (Millwood). 2016 Jan;35(1):54-61. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0830. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Banegas MP, Harlan LC, Mann B, Yabroff KR. Toward greater adoption of minimally invasive and nephron-sparing surgical techniques for renal cell cancer in the United States. Urol Oncol 2016 Jun 16. pii: S1078-1439(16)30091-6. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Barr RD, Ries LA, Lewis DR, Harlan LC, Keegan TH, Pollock BH, Bleyer WA; U.S. National Cancer Institute Science of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Epidemiology Working Group. Incidence and incidence trends of the most frequent cancers in adolescent and young adult Americans, including "nonmalignant/noninvasive" tumors. Cancer 2016 Apr 1;122(7):1000-8. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Beachler DC, Gonzales FA, Kobrin SC, Kreimer AR. HPV vaccination initiation after the routine-recommended ages of 11-12 in the United States. Papillomavirus Res 2016 Dec 1;2:11-16. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Bennett AV, Dueck AC, Mitchell SA, Mendoza TR, Reeve BB, Atkinson TM, Castro KM, Denicoff A, Rogak LJ, Harness JK, Bearden JD, Bryant D, Siegel RD, Schrag D, Basch E; National Cancer Institute PRO-CTCAE Study Group. Mode equivalence and acceptability of tablet computer-, interactive voice response system-, and paper-based administration of the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE). Health Qual Life Outcomes 2016 Feb 19;14:24. doi: 10.1186/s12955-016-0426-6. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Bennett AV, Reeve BB, Basch EM, Mitchell SA, Meeneghan M, Battaglini CL, Smith-Ryan AE, Phillips B, Shea TC, Wood WA. Evaluation of pedometry as a patient-centered outcome in patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT): a comparison of pedometry and patient reports of symptoms, health, and quality of life. Qual Life Res 2016 Mar;25(3):535-46. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Beryl LL, Rendle KA, Halley MC, Gillespie KA, May SG, Glover J, Yu P, Chattopadhyay R, Frosch DL. Mapping the Decision-Making Process for Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer: The Role of Decisional Resolve. Med Decis Making 2016 Apr 6. pii: 0272989X16640488. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Bradley CJ, Yabroff KR, Warren JL, Zeruto C, Chawla N, Lamont EB. Trends in the Treatment of Metastatic Colon and Rectal Cancer in Elderly Patients. Med Care 2016 May;54(5):490-7. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000510. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Breslau ES, Gorin SS, Edwards HM, Schonberg MA, Saiontz N, Walter LC. An Individualized Approach to Cancer Screening Decisions in Older Adults: A Multilevel Framework. J Gen Intern Med 2016 May;31(5):539-47. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Corley DA, Haas JS, Kobrin S. Reducing Variation in the "Standard of Care" for Cancer Screening: Recommendations From the PROSPR Consortium. JAMA 2016 May 17;315(19):2067-8. [Look up in PubMed]External Web Site Policy

Coronado GD, Retecki S, Schneider J, Taplin SH, Burdick T, Green BB. Recruiting community health centers into pragmatic research: Findings from STOP CRC. Clin Trials 2016 Apr;13(2):214-22. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Craig BM, Mitchell SA. Examining the Value of Menopausal Symptom Relief Among U.S. Women. Value Health 2016 Mar-Apr;19(2):158-66. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

de Moor JS, Dowling EC, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Rodriguez J, Virgo KS, Han X, Kent EE, Li C, Litzelman K, McNeel TS, Liu B, Yabroff KR. Employment implications of informal cancer caregiving. J Cancer Surviv 2016 Jul 16. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Dohan D, Garrett SB, Rendle KA, Halley M, Abramson C. The Importance Of Integrating Narrative Into Health Care Decision Making. Health Aff (Millwood). 2016 Apr;35(4):720-5. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2015.1373. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Elmore JG, Cook AJ, Bogart A, Carney PA, Geller BM, Taplin SH, Buist DS, Onega T, Lee CI, Miglioretti DL. Radiologists' interpretive skills in screening vs. diagnostic mammography: are they related? Clin Imaging 2016 Jul 1;40(6):1096-1103. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Enewold L, Thomas A. Real-World Patterns of EGFR Testing and Treatment with Erlotinib for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in the United States. PLoS One 2016 Jun 13;11(6):e0156728. eCollection 2016. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Engels EA, Parsons R, Besson C, Morton LM, Enewold L, Ricker W, Yanik EL, Arem H, Austin AA, Pfeiffer RM. Comprehensive Evaluation of Medical Conditions Associated with Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma using Medicare Claims ("MedWAS"). Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016 Jul;25(7):1105-13. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Falchook AD, Green R, Knowles ME, Amdur RJ, Mendenhall W, Hayes DN, Grilley-Olson JE, Weiss J, Reeve BB, Mitchell SA, Basch EM, Chera BS. Comparison of Patient- and Practitioner-Reported Toxic Effects Associated With Chemoradiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2016 Jun 1;142(6):517-23. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2016.0656. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Fedewa SA, de Moor JS, Ward EM, DeSantis CE, Goding Sauer A, Smith RA, Jemal A. Mammography Use and Physician Recommendation After the 2009 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations. Am J Prev Med 2016 May;50(5):e123-31. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Finney Rutten LJ, Hesse BW, St Sauver JL, Wilson P, Chawla N, Hartigan DB, Moser RP, Taplin S, Glasgow R, Arora NK. Health Self-Efficacy Among Populations with Multiple Chronic Conditions: the Value of Patient-Centered Communication. Adv Ther 2016 Aug;33(8):1440-51. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Flannery M, Mohile SG, Dale W, Arora NK, Azar L, Breslau ES, Cohen HJ, Dotan E, Eldadah BA, Leach CR, Mitchell SA, Rowland JH, Hurria A. Interventions to improve the quality of life and survivorship of older adults with cancer: The funding landscape at NIH, ACS and PCORI. J Geriatr Oncol 2016 Jul;7(4):225-33. Review. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Freedman DM, Wu J, Chen H, Engels EA, Enewold LR, Freedman ND, Goedert JJ, Kuncl RW, Gail MH, Pfeiffer RM. Associations between cancer and Parkinson's disease in U.S. elderly adults. Int J Epidemiol 2016 Mar 17. pii: dyw016. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Gage-Bouchard EA, LaValley S, Mollica M, Beaupin LK. Cancer Communication on Social Media: Examining How Cancer Caregivers Use Facebook for Cancer-Related Communication. Cancer Nurs 2016 Jul 20. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Gonzales FA, Jones RR, Deardorff J, Windham GC, Hiatt RA, Kushi LH. Neighborhood deprivation, race/ethnicity, and urinary metal concentrations among young girls in California. Environ Int 2016 May;91:29-39. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Gonzales FA, Taplin SH, Yu M, Breen N, Cronin KA. Receipt of mammography recommendations among White and non-White women before and after the 2009 United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendation change. Cancer Causes Control 2016 Aug;27(8):977-87. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Halley MC, Rendle KA, Gillespie KA, Stanley KM, Frosch DL. An exploratory mixed-methods crossover study comparing DVD- vs. Web-based patient decision support in three conditions: The importance of patient perspectives. Health Expect 2015 Dec;18(6):2880-91. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Im A, Mitchell SA, Steinberg SM, Curtis L, Berger A, Baird K, Kuzmina Z, Joe G, Comis LE, Juckett M, Avila D, Baruffaldi J, Masuch L, Pirsl F, Pavletic SZ. Prevalence and determinants of fatigue in patients with moderate to severe chronic GvHD. Bone Marrow Transplant 2016 May;51(5):705-12. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Johnson KE, Neta G, Dember LM, Coronado GD, Suls J, Chambers DA, Rundell S, Smith DH, Liu B, Taplin S, Stoney CM, Farrell MM, Glasgow RE. Use of PRECIS ratings in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory. Trials 2016 Jan 16;17:32. doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1158-y. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Keegan TH, Ries LA, Barr RD, Geiger AM, Dahlke DV, Pollock BH, Bleyer WA; National Cancer Institute Next Steps for Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Epidemiology Working Group. Comparison of cancer survival trends in the United States of adolescents and young adults with those in children and older adults. Cancer 2016 Apr 1;122(7):1009-16. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Kent EE, Malinoff R, Rozjabek HM, Ambs A, Clauser SB, Topor MA, Yuan G, Burroughs J, Rodgers AB, DeMichele K. Revisiting the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Cancer Registry and Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (SEER-MHOS) Linked Data Resource for Patient-Reported Outcomes Research in Older Adults with Cancer. J Am Geriatr Soc 2016 Jan;64(1):186-92. doi: 10.1111/jgs.13888. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Kent EE, Rowland JH, Northouse L, Litzelman K, Chou WY, Shelburne N, Timura C, O'Mara A, Huss K. Caring for caregivers and patients: Research and clinical priorities for informal cancer caregiving. Cancer 2016 Jul 1;122(13):1987-95. Review. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Kenzik KM, Kent EE, Martin MY, Bhatia S, Pisu M. Chronic condition clusters and functional impairment in older cancer survivors: a population-based study. J Cancer Surviv 2016 May 27. [Epub ahead of print] [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Land SR, Warren GW, Crafts JL, Hatsukami DK, Ostroff JS, Willis GB, Chollette VY, Mitchell SA, Folz JN, Gulley JL, Szabo E, Brandon TH, Duffy SA, Toll BA. Cognitive testing of tobacco use items for administration to patients with cancer and cancer survivors in clinical research. Cancer 2016 Jun 1;122(11):1728-34. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Land SR, Toll BA, Moinpour CM, Mitchell SA, Ostroff JS, Hatsukami DK, Duffy SA, Gritz ER, Rigotti NA, Brandon TH, Prindiville SA, Sarna LP, Schnoll RA, Herbst RS, Cinciripini PM, Leischow SJ, Dresler CM, Fiore MC, Warren GW. Research Priorities, Measures, and Recommendations for Assessment of Tobacco Use in Clinical Cancer Research. Clin Cancer Res 2016 Apr 15;22(8):1907-13. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Lam CJ, Curtis RE, Dores GM, Engels EA, Caporaso NE, Polliack A, Warren JL, Young HA, Levine PH, Elmi AF, Fraumeni JF, Tucker MA, Morton LM. Risk factors for second acute myeloid leukemia/myelodysplastic syndrome among survivors of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Leukemia 2016 May;30(5):1187-90. [Look up in PubMed]External Web Site Policy

Litzelman K, Kent EE, Rowland JH. Social factors in informal cancer caregivers: The interrelationships among social stressors, relationship quality, and family functioning in the CanCORS data set. Cancer 2016 Jan 15;122(2):278-86. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Merkel EC, Mitchell SA, Lee SJ. Content Validity of the Lee Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease Symptom Scale as Assessed by Cognitive Interviews. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2016 Apr;22(4):752-8. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Mollica M, Hyman Z. Professional development utilizing an oncology summer nursing internship. Nurse Educ Pract 2016 Jan;16(1):188-92. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Mollica MA, Underwood W 3rd, Homish GG, Homish DL, Orom H. Spirituality is associated with better prostate cancer treatment decision making experiences. J Behav Med 2016 Feb;39(1):161-9. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Onega T, Goldman LE, Walker RL, Miglioretti DL, Buist DS, Taplin S, Geller BM, Hill DA, Smith-Bindman R. Facility Mammography Volume in Relation to Breast Cancer Screening Outcomes. J Med Screen 2016 Mar;23(1):31-7. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

Onukwugha E, Petrelli NJ, Castro KM, Gardner JF, Jayasekera J, Goloubeva O, Tan MT, McNamara EJ, Zaren HA, Asfeldt T, Bearden JD 3rd, Salner AL, Krasna MJ, Das IP, Clauser SB, Onukwugha E, Petrelli NJ, Castro KM, Gardner JF, Jayasekera J, Goloubeva O, Tan MT, McNamara EJ, Zaren HA, Asfeldt T, Bearden JD 3rd, Salner AL, Krasna MJ, Prabhu Das I, Clauser SB. ReCAP: Impact of Multidisciplinary Care on Processes of Cancer Care: A Multi-Institutional Study. J Oncol Pract 2016 Feb;12(2):155-6; e157-68. [View Abstract]External Web Site Policy

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Last Updated: 21 Feb, 2025