NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR)
Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR) is a multidisciplinary science that seeks to improve clinical outcomes and patient well-being by intervening on patient, clinician, and organizational factors that influence care delivery.
The goal of CCDR in NCORP is to generate evidence that can be used to improve clinical practice, particularly through the evaluation of pragmatic interventions focused on clinicians, staff, and/or practices.
Care Delivery Studies within the NCORP network
The NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) is a national NCI-supported network that brings cancer clinical trials and care delivery studies to people in their communities. More info about NCORP can be found on their website.
The NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) offers unique opportunities to conduct care delivery research in community settings where the majority of cancer patients receive their treatment. Integrating care delivery research within the NCORP network provides the ability to collect primary data and initiate interventions; look across a mix of practice models and heterogeneous populations; and follow patients from time of diagnosis through treatment and survivorship.
Information about active and completed NCORP CCDR studies can be found on the NCORP website.
NCORP Structure
ALL NCORP CCDR studies are designed and conducted by NCORP Research Bases. These Research Bases are equipped with the appropriate infrastructure and research expertise to carry out complex studies. Each of the seven Research Bases has their own CCDR program with designated leadership.
- Alliance
(CCDR Leads: Gabe Brooks, George Chang, and Heather Neuman)
- Children's Oncology Group (COG)
(CCDR Leads: Melissa Beauchemin and Susan Parsons)
(CCDR Lead: Ruth Carlos)
- NRG Oncology
(CCDR Lead: Mary Cooley)
(CCDR Leads: Scott Ramsey and Veena Shankaran)
- University of Rochester
(CCDR Lead: Supriya Mohile)
- Wake Forest NCORP Research Base
(CCDR Leads: Chandylen Nightingale and Kate Weaver)
There are 32 Community Sites and 14 Minority/Underserved Community Sites, which are each comprised of hospitals, outpatient oncology practices, and/or integrated healthcare systems. Each of these sites has a CCDR Lead responsible for advancing and coordinating cancer care delivery research activities. Among the 46 Community and Minority/Underserved Community Sites, there are approximately 1,000+ practices (e.g. hospitals, cancer centers, oncology clinics) across 48 states that are eligible to participate in CCDR studies.
More information about NCORP Community and Minority/Underserved Community Sites can be found on the NCORP website.
All NCORP CCDR studies undergo external peer review, as either a grant application reviewed by a scientific review group or a concept reviewed by the NCI Cancer Care Delivery Research Steering Committee.
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