Linking the Provider Recommendation to Adolescent HPV Vaccine Uptake
The National Cancer Institute has re-issued the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) Linking the Provider Recommendation to Adolescent HPV Vaccine Uptake (Clinical Trial Optional) (PAR-19-360 [R01]; PAR-19-359
[R03] and PAR-19-358
[R21]). This NOFO encourages research on how the health care delivery system enhances or inhibits the effectiveness of a provider's recommendation of the adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Characteristics of the provider, parent/patient, and clinical setting can all affect whether a provider makes a recommendation, and whether that recommendation results in uptake of the HPV vaccine. This research requires expertise in cancer prevention, adult and childhood behavior, immunization promotion, and health care delivery.
Intended Audience
Extramural investigators at junior, mid-, and senior levels.

Sarah Kobrin, PhD, MPH
Chief, Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch
Healthcare Delivery Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
This webinar will be archived on the HDRP Events webpage.