HDRP Newsletter, January 2018

Message from the HDRP Associate Director

Photograph of Paul Jacobsen

New Year’s Greetings to Everyone.

While most of the birds have flown south and many creatures around here are hibernating, we at HDRP have been quite busy with several activities.

On November 29, 2017 HDRP Program members contributed to three important presentations at the semi-annual joint meeting of NCI’s Board of Scientific Advisors and National Cancer Advisory Board. These boards, both of which are comprised of outside experts, provide advice on a wide variety of matters concerning scientific program policy, progress and future direction of NCI's extramural research programs, and concept review of extramural program initiatives. The three presentations were: a proposal for the reissuance of the request for applications for the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP); an update on activities related to development and use of the Patient-Reported Outcome version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE), and a preview of the upcoming President’s Cancer Panel report on enabling patients’ access to high value drugs. More information about the Cancer Care Delivery Research component of NCORP is included in this newsletter and on our CCDR page. More information about PRO-CTCAE can be found here.

In the last newsletter, I wrote about four Cancer Moonshot funding opportunities program members were involved in developing that had just been approved by the NCI’s Board of Scientific Advisors. These opportunities focus on: improving symptom management across the cancer continuum; accelerating colorectal cancer screening and follow-up through implementation science; developing new approaches to identifying and caring for individuals with inherited cancer syndromes; and evaluating ways to analyze patient-reported symptom toxicity data. All four were subsequently published in the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts. To aid potential applicants, a webinar was then organized for each funding opportunity, during which NCI staff reviewed the goal of the announcement, described the required elements of an application, and answered questions. We were very pleased with the numbers of individuals who signed up for these webinars and hope they were helpful to the research community. For those not able to join live, the webinars were archived for later viewing. Receipt dates for applications in response to these funding announcements are all in January, and we anticipate that funds will be awarded to successful applicants before the end of the 2018 fiscal year.

If you don’t already, I encourage you to subscribe to our listservExternal Web Site Policy to stay up-to-date on all of our ongoing activities.

Paul Jacobsen, PhD

Spotlight on… Cancer Care Delivery Research within the NCI Community Oncology Research Program

The NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) is a national network that brings cancer prevention and treatment trials, as well as Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR) to people in their communities. Within NCORP, CCDR is a multidisciplinary science that seeks to improve clinical outcomes and patient well-being by intervening on patient, clinician, and organizational factors that influence care delivery. NCORP is a unique environment for conducting CCDR studies because it offers over 900 diverse components (e.g. hospitals, cancer centers, oncology clinics) across 39 states, which allows for the integration of evidence-based practices into clinical workflow. Clinicians collaborate in the process of designing and conducting CCDR studies by providing perspective on feasibility and acceptability.

Significant progress has been made in CCDR since this area was launched within the NCORP network four years ago. Currently, five CCDR studies are open, which have accrued over 1,300 patients and clinicians in total. CCDR study topics include use of guidelines, financial toxicity, and decision aids. Details about the studies are below:

Research Base Study Title Principal Investigator
SWOG Implementation of a Prospective Financial Impact Assessment Tool in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Veena Shankaran, MD, MS
SWOG A Pragmatic Trial to Evaluate a Guideline-Based Colony Stimulating Factor Standing Order Intervention (TRACER) Scott Ramsey, MD, PhD
COG Improving the use of Evidence-Based Supportive Care Clinical Practice Guidelines in Pediatric Oncology Lee Dupuis, RPh, PhD
Alliance Testing Decision Aids to Improve Prostate Cancer Decisions for Minority Men Jon Tilburt, MD
COG Documentation and Delivery of Guideline-Consistent Treatment in Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Julie Wolfson, MD, MSHS

The NCORP network has focused more recently on expanding the participation of community oncologists, primary care physicians, and chief operating officers by engaging these stakeholders in CCDR Landscape Assessments, which have been administered at 225 practice units. The goal of these assessments is to learn about the capacity of sites and their ability to carry out CCDR studies as well as gather input for future study development. NCORP Principal Investigators, Administrators, CCDR Leads, and staff have also engaged with each other through periodic webinars and at the NCORP Annual Meeting, where topics such as financial toxicity, the science of CCDR, and upcoming CCDR studies have been discussed.

NCORP is funded through a cooperative agreement grant and the process to renew the Request for Applications (RFA) was presented to the Board of Scientific Advisors (BSA) and the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) on November 29th, 2017. You can watch the archived BSA/NCAB meeting hereExternal Web Site Policy. Members of the BSA voted enthusiastically to approve the reissuance of the program. More information about the RFA will be available in the coming months.



Upcoming Opportunities to Connect with HDRP Staff

Spring travel season is just around the corner. We encourage you to seek out and say hello to our staff at one of these upcoming large events: ASCO Survivorship Symposium from February 16-17; American Psychosocial Oncology Society from February 22-24; Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, April 11-14; Health Care Systems Research Network Conference from April 11-13; and American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting from June 1-5. Our staff will also be attending other conferences throughout the spring and we will share updates via our Twitter/X account (@NCICareDelivRes).

Meet the Funders Session at the ASCO Survivorship Symposium

HDRP staff, including Drs. Paul Jacobsen, Sandra Mitchell, Janet de Moor, and Michelle Mollica will be providing an overview of new and ongoing funding opportunities and initiatives in this interactive Q&A session. Time and date to be announced via @NCICareDelivRes.

New Staff

Angela Falisi

Angela Falisi

Angela is a Presidential Management Fellow in the Office of the Associate Director. Angela supports operations activities and processes across the program including travel, budget, and communications.

Roxanne Jensen

Roxanne Jensen

Roxanne is a Clinical Research Scientist in the Outcomes Research Branch. Her research focuses on the evaluation and implementation of patient-reported outcomes in cancer clinical research and practice settings, with an interest in better understating symptom management issues in cancer survivorship.

Elisabeth Kato

Elisabeth Kato

Elisabeth is a Medical Officer in the Office of the Associate Director. She works with the NCORP team to advance the science of Cancer Care Delivery Research, with a focus on safety and adverse event monitoring on care delivery clinical trials.

Lianne Priede

Lianne Priede

Lianne is a Cancer Research Training Award Fellow in the Office of the Associate Director. She is a member of the HDRP team working on Cancer Care Delivery Research within the NCI Communication Oncology Research Program.

Elizabeth Sarma

Elizabeth Sarma

Elizabeth is a Cancer Prevention Fellow in the Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch. Her research focuses on patterns and predictors of adherence to guidelines for cancer screening and cancer prevention behaviors.

Elizabeth Siembida

Elizabeth Siembida

Liz is is a Cancer Prevention Fellow in the Outcomes Research Branch. Central to her research interests is a recognition of the implications of a cancer diagnosis in different stages of development and the life course.

Elizabeth Siembida

Michelle Silver

Michelle is a Cancer Prevention Fellow in the Health Services and Interventions Branch. Her research interests center around applied/translational epidemiology, and how to best use the results of epidemiologic studies to make evidence-based decisions in cancer screening and prevention, both domestically and internationally.

Last Updated: 17 Jan, 2025