Improving the Management of symPtoms during And following Cancer Treatment (IMPACT)

NCI Cancer Moonshot logo

The Cancer MoonshotSMExternal Web Site Policy was designed to accelerate efforts to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer and achieve 10 years of progress in 5 years.

BLUE RIBBON PANEL RECOMMENDATION FExternal Web Site Policy: Minimize cancer treatment’s debilitating side effects
Accelerate the clinical adoption of integrated systems to monitor patient-reported symptoms and provide decision support using implementation science approaches and evidence-based symptom management guidelines.

IMPACT Overview

The Improving the Management of symPtoms during And following Cancer Treatment (IMPACT) consortium is a program supported by funding provided through the Cancer Moonshot. It aligns with the goals of the Cancer MoonshotSM Blue Ribbon Panel’s recommendation to “minimize cancer treatment’s debilitating side effects” (Recommendation F). Specifically, IMPACT is designed to evaluate the implementation of systematic symptom management in cancer care delivery. The consortium consists of three individual Research Centers (RCs) that are deploying integrated electronic systems to monitor and manage cancer symptoms in diverse practice settings, as well as a Coordinating Center (CC) that provides scientific expertise and logistical support to unite the consortium. The integrated electronic systems are being tested in pragmatic trials and will examine effects on patient health, treatment delivery, healthcare utilization, and implementation outcomes. The consortium aims to accelerate the adoption of systematic, scalable approaches that include routine collection of patient reported outcomes and use of those data to trigger clinical responses consistent with evidence-based guidelines.

The overall goal of IMPACT is to develop evidence that will guide efforts to improve symptom control for cancer patients during treatment and survivorship to build a foundation for effective cancer symptom management in routine clinical care.

IMPACT Centers

Center PI(s) PI/MPI Institution(s) Grant
RTI Coordinating Center Barbara Kroner Research Triangle Institute 1 U24 CA232980-01External Web Site Policy
SIMPRO Research Center Deborah Schrag; Raymond Osarogiagbon; Sandra Wong Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Baptist Memorial Hospital; Dartmouth College 1 UM1 CA233080-01External Web Site Policy
NU IMPACT Research Center David Cella Northwestern University 1 UM1 CA233035-01External Web Site Policy
E2C2 Research Center Andrea Cheville Mayo Clinic Rochester 1 UM1 CA233033-01External Web Site Policy

Overview of Projects

  • SIMPRO Research CenterExternal Web Site Policy: A multidisciplinary team from six health systems have formed the Symptom Management IMplementation of Patient Reported Outcomes in Oncology (SIMPRO) Research Center. The overarching goal is to develop, implement, and evaluate a multi-component electronic patient reported outcomes management system to improve symptom control for patients recovering from cancer surgery or patients receiving palliative chemotherapy in small, rural, and community cancer centers.
  • NU IMPACT Research Center: Northwestern University IMPACT (NU IMPACT) builds upon an integrated cancer symptom monitoring and management system (NMPRO) to test the effectiveness of a system-wide symptom management intervention when implemented across Northwestern Memorial HealthCare Corporation outpatient oncology clinics. It is made available in English and in Spanish.
  • E2C2 Research Center: The Enhanced, Electronic Health Record-Facilitated Cancer Symptom Control (E2C2) pragmatic clinical trial tests a bundled intervention that leverages electronic health record interface and clinical decision support functionalities. This intervention operationalizes an approach that automatically triages symptomatic patients to automated self-management (low-touch), or nurse care management (high-touch), depending on patient reported outcomes and other patient and clinical factors.


Ashley Wilder Smith, PhD, MPH

Science Officer (Overall Consortium, RTI Coordinating Center)
Outcomes Research Branch

Lynn Adams, PhD

Administrative Program Director (All Centers)
Outcomes Research Branch

Roxanne Jensen, PhD

Research Center Science Officer (SIMPRO, NU IMPACT)
Outcomes Research Branch

Sandra Mitchell, PhD, CRNP, FAAN

Research Center Science Officer (E2C2)
Outcomes Research Branch

Wynne Norton, PhDExternal Web Site Policy

IMPACT Scientific Advisor/Liaison

Last Updated: 25 Mar, 2025