Veronica Chollette, RN, MS

Veronica Chollette, RN, MS is a Program Director in the Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch (HSIRB) of the Healthcare Delivery Research Program. She has been managing a portfolio of grants at NCI for over 30 years. In HSIRB, her training and experience allow her to manage NCI-funded social and behavioral research directed at multiple contextual levels to improve rates of cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination; factors associated with disparities in Prostate Cancer, PSA screening and the downstream consequences following screening; and studies that improve interprofessional teamwork in healthcare delivery. She is a co-lead of the Healthcare Teams Initiative, which addresses multiple strategies to improve patient outcomes through the delivery of healthcare grounded in principles of evidence-based team research. Ms. Chollette received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and master’s degree in Health Systems Management from George Mason University.

Last Updated: 18 Jun, 2024