Kirsten Yuna Eom, PhD, MPH

Kirsten Y. Eom, PhD, MPH is a Program Director in the Outcomes Research Branch (ORB) within the Healthcare Delivery Research Program (HDRP) at the National Cancer Institute.

Kirsten’s research focuses on delivering high-quality cancer care along the cancer care continuum and improving health outcomes among individuals diagnosed with cancer. She has investigated individual- and area-level factors associated with cancer care delivery and outcomes in diverse settings, using various study designs and data sources. She led evaluations of a hospital-based community breast cancer screening program for Hispanic and low-income women and conducted a pilot study to reduce disparities in cervical cancer screening among Hispanic women in Cleveland. Additionally, she examined factors associated with colorectal cancer screening among Medicaid enrollees in Pennsylvania and factors associated with integrated care among patients diagnosed with kidney or urinary bladder cancer. Kirsten has also evaluated the impact of state and federal health reforms on cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment among low-income non-elderly adults, utilizing large secondary databases such as cancer registries, administrative and claims data, and population surveys. Her extensive background in health services research, policy evaluation, and mixed methods approaches highlights her dedication to improving cancer care and outcomes for populations with cancer.

Kirsten earned her PhD in Health Services Research and Policy from the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health and her MPH from Brown University’s Warren Alpert Medical School. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH, and in the Healthcare Assessment Branch within the HDRP.

Last Updated: 18 Jun, 2024