Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS): Cancer Supplement Publications
2017 Survey (with or without 2016 and 2011 Surveys)
Borsky AE, Zuvekas SH, Kent EE, de Moor JS, Ngo-Metzger Q, Soni A.
Understanding the characteristics of U.S. cancer survivors with informal caregivers.
Cancer 2021 May 4. doi: 10.1002/cncr.33535.
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Chan K, Sepassi A, Saunders IM, Goodman A, Watanabe JH.
Effects of financial toxicity on prescription drug use and mental well-being in cancer patients.
Explor Res Clin Soc Pharm 2022 Apr 14;6:100136. doi: 10.1016/j.rcsop.2022.100136.
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de Moor JS, Kent EE, McNeel TS, Virgo KS, Swanberg J, Tracy JK, Banegas MP, Han X, Qin J, Yabroff KR.
Employment Outcomes among Cancer Survivors in the United States: Implications for Cancer Care Delivery.
J Natl Cancer Inst 2020 Jun 13:djaa084.
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Halpern MT, de Moor JS, Han X, Zhao J, Zheng Z, Yabroff KR.
Association of Employment Disruptions and Financial Hardship Among Individuals Diagnosed with Cancer in the United States: Findings from a Nationally Representative Study.
Cancer Res Commun. 2023 Sep 12;3(9):1830-1839. doi: 10.1158/2767-9764.CRC-23-0157.
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Halpern MT, de Moor JS, Yabroff KR.
Impact of Pain on Employment and Financial Outcomes Among Cancer Survivors.
J Clin Oncol. 2022 Jan 1;40(1):24-31. doi: 10.1200/JCO.20.03746.
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Hong YR, Salloum RG, Yadav S, Smith G, Mainous AG 3rd.
Patient-Provider Discussion About Cancer Treatment Costs and Out-of-Pocket Spending: Implications for Shared Decision Making in Cancer Care.
Value Health. 2020 Dec;23(12):1592-1598. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2020.08.002.
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Hong YR, Yadav S, Suk R, Khanijahani A, Erim D, Turner K. Patient-provider discussion about emotional and social needs, mental health outcomes, and benefit finding among U.S. Adults living with cancer. Cancer Med. 2021 Jun;10(11):3622-3634. doi: 10.1002/cam4.3918.
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Inguva S, Priyadarshini M, Shah R, Bhattacharya K.
Financial toxicity and its impact on health outcomes and caregiver burden among adult cancer survivors in the USA.
Future Oncol. 2022 Apr;18(13):1569-1581. doi: 10.2217/fon-2021-1282.
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Kent EE, de Moor JS, Zhao J, Ekwueme DU, Han X, Yabroff KR.
Staying at One's Job to Maintain Employer-Based Health Insurance Among Cancer Survivors and Their Spouses/Partners.
JAMA Oncol. 2020 Apr 23:e200742. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2020.0742.
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Litzelman K, Han X, Zhao J, Zheng Z, Yabroff KR.
Employment and workdays lost among spouses of cancer survivors: Intersection with gender across cancer treatment status.
Cancer. 2024 Mar 1;130(5):816-826. doi: 10.1002/cncr.35070.
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Rai A, Zheng Z, Zhao J, de Moor JS, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.
Patient-Provider Discussions About Out-of-Pocket Costs of Cancer Care in the U.S.
Am J Prev Med. 2020 Aug;59(2):228-236. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2020.02.017.
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Stone BV, Labban M, Filipas DK, Beatrici E, Frego N, Qian ZJ, Voleti SS, Lipsitz SR, Kibel AS, Trinh QD, Cole AP.
Predictors of Financial Toxicity Among United States Prostate Cancer Survivors: Results From a National Survey.
Urol Pract. 2023 Jul 5:101097UPJ0000000000000417. doi: 10.1097/UPJ.0000000000000417.
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2016 Survey (with or without 2011 Survey)
Ekwueme DU, Zhao J, Rim SH, de Moor JS, Zheng Z, Khushalani JS, Han X, Kent EE, Yabroff KR.
Annual Out-of-Pocket Expenditures and Financial Hardship Among Cancer Survivors Aged 18-64 Years - United States, 2011-2016.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2019 Jun 7;68(22):494-499. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6822a2.
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Han X, Robinson LA, Jensen RE, Smith TG, Yabroff KR.
Factors Associated With Health-Related Quality of Life Among Cancer Survivors in the United States.
JNCI Cancer Spectr. 2021 Jan 23;5(1):pkaa123. doi: 10.1093/jncics/pkaa123.
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Han X, Zhao J, Zheng Z, de Moor JS, Virgo KS, Yabroff KR.
Medical Financial Hardship Intensity and Financial Sacrifice Associated with Cancer in the United States.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020 Feb;29(2):308-317.
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Hong YR, Smith GL, Xie Z, Mainous AG 3rd, Huo J.
Financial burden of cancer care under the Affordable Care Act: Analysis of MEPS-Experiences with Cancer Survivorship 2011 and 2016.
J Cancer Surviv. 2019 Aug;13(4):523-536.
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Rai A, Chawla N, Han X, Rim SH, Smith T, de Moor J, Yabroff KR.
Has the Quality of Patient-Provider Communication About Survivorship Care Improved?
J Oncol Pract. 2019 Nov;15(11):e916-e924.
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Reed SC, Bell JF, Miglioretti DL, Nekhlyudov L, Fairman N, Joseph JG.
Fear of cancer recurrence and associations with mental health status and individual characteristics among cancer survivors: Findings from a nationally representative sample.
J Psychosoc Oncol. 2019 Sep 11:1-18. [Epub ahead of print]
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Shaver AL, Cao Y, Noyes K.
General Health Care Utilization Among Nonelderly Cancer Survivors Before and After Affordable Care Act Implementation: Early Results.
JCO Oncol Pract. 2020 Jul;16(7):e581-e589. doi: 10.1200/JOP.19.00498.
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Zhao J, Han X, Zheng Z, Banegas MP, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.
Is Health Insurance Literacy Associated With Financial Hardship Among Cancer Survivors? Findings From a National Sample in the United States.
JNCI Cancer Spectrum, Volume 3, Issue 4. December 2019.
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2011 Survey
Barrows CE, Belle JM, Fleishman A, Lubitz CC, James BC.
Financial burden of thyroid cancer in the United States: An estimate of economic and psychological hardship among thyroid cancer survivors.
Surgery. 2020 Feb;167(2):378-384.
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Chawla N, Blanch-Hartigan D, Virgo KS, Ekwueme DU, Han X, Forsythe L, Rodriguez J, McNeel TS, Yabroff KR.
Quality of Patient-Provider Communication Among Cancer Survivors: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample.
J Oncol Pract. 2016 Dec;12(12):e964-e973.
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de Moor JS, Dowling EC, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Rodriguez J, Virgo KS, Han X, Kent EE, Li C, Litzelman K, McNeel TS, Liu B, Yabroff KR.
Employment implications of informal cancer caregiving.
J Cancer Surviv. 2017 Feb;11(1):48-57.
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de Moor JS, Virgo KS, Li C, Chawla N, Han X, Blanch-Hartigan D, Ekwueme DU, McNeel TS, Rodriguez JL, Yabroff KR.
Access to Cancer Care and General Medical Care Services Among Cancer Survivors in the United States: An Analysis of 2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Data.
Public Health Rep. 2016 Nov;131(6):783-790.
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DiMartino LD, Birken SA, Mayer DK.
The Relationship Between Cancer Survivors' Socioeconomic Status and Reports of Follow-up Care Discussions with Providers.
J Cancer Educ. 2017 Dec;32(4):749-755. doi: 10.1007/s13187-016-1024-3.
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Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR, Guy GP Jr, Banegas MP, de Moor JS, Li C, Han X, Zheng Z, Soni A, Davidoff A, Rechis R, Virgo KS.; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Medical costs and productivity losses of cancer survivors--United States, 2008-2011.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 22014 Jun 13;63(23):505-10.
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Fastiggi MJ, Sim JA, Huang IC.
Association of co-morbidities with financial hardship in survivors of adult cancer.
Support Care Cancer. 2021 Dec;29(12):7355-7364. doi: 10.1007/s00520-021-06313-7.
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Iadeluca L, Mardekian J, Chander P, Hopps M, Makinson GT.
The burden of selected cancers in the U.S.: health behaviors and health care resource utilization.
Cancer Manag Res. 2017 Nov 28;9:721-730. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S143148.
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Jones SMW, Walker R, Fujii M, Nekhlyudov L, Rabin BA, Chubak J.
Financial difficulty, worry about affording care, and benefit finding in long-term survivors of cancer.
Psychooncology. 2018 Apr;27(4):1320-1326. doi: 10.1002/pon.4677.
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Jones SM, Ziebell R, Walker R, Nekhlyudov L, Rabin BA, Nutt S, Fujii M, Chubak J.
Psychometric investigation of benefit finding among long-term cancer survivors using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.
Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2016 Feb;20:31-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2015.07.005.
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Kale HP, Carroll NV.
Self-reported financial burden of cancer care and its effect on physical and mental health-related quality of life among U.S. cancer survivors.
Cancer. 2016 Apr 15;122(8):283-9.
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Litzelman K, Blanch-Hartigan D, Lin CC, Han X.
Correlates of the positive psychological byproducts of cancer: Role of family caregivers and informational support.
Palliat Support Care. 2017 Dec;15(6):693-703.
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Nekhlyudov L, Walker R, Ziebell R, Rabin B, Nutt S, Chubak J.
Cancer survivors' experiences with insurance, finances, and employment: results from a multisite study.
J Cancer Surviv. 2016 Dec;10(6):1104-1111. doi: 10.1007/s11764-016-0554-3.
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Odahowski CL, Zahnd WE, Zgodic A, Edward JS, Hill LN, Davis MM, Perry CK, Shannon J, Wheeler SB, Vanderpool RC, Eberth JM.
Financial hardship among rural cancer survivors: An analysis of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.
Prev Med. 2019 Dec;129S:105881.
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Reed SC, Bell JF, Miglioretti DL, Nekhlyudov L, Fairman N, Joseph JG.
Relationships Between Fear of Cancer Recurrence and Lifestyle Factors Among Cancer Survivors.
J Cancer Educ. 2019 Mar 16. [Epub ahead of print]
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Reed SC, Bell JF, Whitney R, Lash R, Kim KK, Bold RJ, Joseph JG.
Psychosocial outcomes in active treatment through survivorship.
Psychooncology. 2018 Jan;27(1):279-285.
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Soni A.
Experiences with Health Care Providers among Cancer Survivors, U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 2011.
Statistical Brief (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (U.S.)) [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (U.S.); 2001-. STATISTICAL BRIEF #451.
2014 Oct.
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Swanberg, JE, Nichols, HM, Vanderpool, RC, Rosenblatt, P, Tracy, JK.
Working poor and working nonpoor cancer survivors: Work‐related and employment disparities
Cancer Reports. 2018; 1:e1134.
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Tracy JK, Falk D, Thompson RJ, Scheindlin L, Adetunji F, Swanberg JE.
Managing the cancer-work interface: the effect of cancer survivorship on unemployment.
Cancer Manag Res. 2018 Nov 28;10:6479-6487. eCollection 2018.
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White-Means SI, Osmani AR.
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Patient-Provider Communication With Breast Cancer Patients: Evidence From 2011 MEPS and Experiences With Cancer Supplement.
Inquiry. 2017 Jan 1;54:46958017727104. doi: 10.1177/0046958017727104.
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Whitney RL, Bell JF, Reed SC, Lash R, Bold RJ, Kim KK, Davis A, Copenhaver D, Joseph JG.
Predictors of financial difficulties and work modifications among cancer survivors in the United States.
J Cancer Surviv. 2016 Apr;10(2):241-50.
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Yabroff KR, Dowling EC, Guy GP Jr, Banegas MP, Davidoff A, Han X, Virgo KS, McNeel TS, Chawla N, Blanch-Hartigan D, Kent EE, Li C, Rodriguez JL, de Moor JS, Zheng Z, Jemal A, Ekwueme DU.
Financial Hardship Associated With Cancer in the United States: Findings From a Population-Based Sample of Adult Cancer Survivors.
J Clin Oncol. 2016 Jan 20;34(3):259-67.
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Yabroff KR, Dowling E, Rodriguez J, Ekwueme DU, Meissner H, Soni A, Lerro C, Willis G, Forsythe LP, Borowski L, Virgo KS.
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) experiences with cancer survivorship supplement.
J Cancer Surviv. 2012 Dec;6(4):407-19.
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