HDRP Newsletter, February 2024

Message from the Acting Associate Director

Photograph of Janet de Moor

On behalf of all my colleagues in the Healthcare Delivery Research Program (HDRP), I wish you a happy and healthy new year. I hope everyone enjoyed a joyous holiday and a restorative end to 2023. We look forward to continuing to work with you in 2024 to advance our shared goal of advancing innovative research to improve the delivery of cancer-related care.

In this first newsletter of 2024, we highlight several funding opportunities, recent and upcoming events, and multiple data resources. The newsletter also includes a snapshot of HDRP’s FY’23 grant portfolio and information about recent grants policy. We also hope you enjoy the “research spotlight” highlighting NCI’s investment in supporting research to improve Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine uptake to eliminate cervical cancer in the United States.

I welcome you to reach out to me or any of our staff to learn more about the work of HDRP and available funding opportunities and data resources for healthcare delivery research. A full staff listing is available on our HDRP Staff page.

Sincerely yours,
Janet de Moor, PhD, MPH

HDRP Events: Upcoming and Recap

HDRP continues to lead efforts that highlight scientific priorities for healthcare delivery research. Visit our News & Events page for a comprehensive listing of events. A recap of recent HDRP-led webinars and workshops is listed below.

SEER-MHOS Webinar Series

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) supports a research resource linking Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) cancer registry data with Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (MHOS) data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. SEER-MHOS offers investigators the opportunity to examine cancer health outcomes, such as health-related quality of life and activities of daily living, along with clinical and epidemiologic information. This webinar series was intended for researchers at all levels interested in discovering more about the SEER-MHOS data resource.

Healthcare Teams 2023-2024 Cyber Discussion Series

The goal of this webinar series was to discuss lessons learned by researchers and cancer care delivery teams about how to continue cancer care and research operations and work effectively with key stakeholders during some of the nation's most catastrophic events. Care coordination needs among populations that experience cancer disparities (racial/ethnic minority, under-resourced and historically disadvantaged communities) and populations disproportionately affected by public health emergencies were a focus.

Three of the four sessions are available for viewing online. Below are additional details for where watch the webinars and how to join HDRP for the final session in January 2024:

May 2023

June 2023

September 2023

November 2023

Research Spotlight

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine to Eliminate Cervical Cancer in the United States

Cervical cancer mortality is highest among those with insufficient access to healthcare. Routine screening is effective but must be repeated and is expensive. If 80% of eligible adolescents receive two doses of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, we could reduce the need for adult screening and still come close to eliminating death from cervical cancer.

Delivering the HPV vaccine has been challenging. In 2012, five years after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended the vaccine, uptake was only 28% (girls only, at the time). The President’s Cancer Panel (PDF)External Web Site Policy focused on this poor uptake; their report spurred NCI to action. Increasing uptake of HPV vaccine has been a substantial focus for DCCPS since. Collaborations with CDC, the American Cancer Society (ACS), and NCI-designated cancer centers have contributed to steady and significant improvement. Work remains to be done, but progress has been substantial. CDC data from 2022External Web Site Policy showed that 76% of boys and girls received ≥1 HPV vaccine dose and 62.6% were up to date with HPV vaccination.

Tying HPV vaccine uptake to cervical cancer mortality reduction takes time; the vaccine is for adolescents before exposure and potential infection, and cancer develops slowly following persistent infection. However, U.S. data from CDC (Markowitz et al., 2016, PediatricsExternal Web Site Policy) show a 88%External Web Site Policy decrease in HPV infection in girls aged 14-19 (considering only the types targeted by the vaccine). These data lead to great optimism that fewer and fewer American women will die from cervical cancer.

DCCPS Activities

HDRP Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Grant Portfolio Updates

In FY 2023, NCI funded 53 new grants totaling over $28 million, which are held by HDRP. These grants support research across the cancer continuum to improve cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship care.

New HDRP 2023 awards: Prevention - 5, Detection - 17, Diagnosis - 3, Treatment - 4, Survivorship - 24. 53 total.
New HDRP 2023 awards: Prevention - $2,702,213, Detection - $9,456,771, Diagnosis - $2,290,787, Treatment - $2,260,967, Survivorship - $12,062,907. $28,773,645 total.

For a complete listing of all grants currently funded by HDRP, visit our funded grantsExternal Web Site Policy page.

Policy Updates

Grants-related Information

Funding Policy Updates

The NCI is currently operating under an FY 2024 continuing resolution that funds the government at FY 2023 levels. As a result, we are currently functioning on interim paylines. Visit the Division of Extramural ActivitiesExternal Web Site Policy website for information on the Institute's budget, funding strategy, and more. The table below provides a snapshot of different funding mechanisms and associated paylines.

Mechanism FY 2024 Funding Policy
Experienced and New Investigator R01 9th Percentile
Early-stage Investigator R01 14th Percentile
Exploratory/Developmental (R21) 9th Percentile
Small Grant (R03) 25 Impact Score
AREAExternal Web Site Policy Grant (R15) 25 Impact Score

Also, visit the NIH Grants & Funding page for more information on Standard Application Due DatesExternal Web Site Policy.

NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS)

On January 25, 2023, the final NIH DMS PolicyExternal Web Site Policy came into effect for any NIH-funded research that will generate scientific data, regardless of the research grant budget size. As a refresher, HDRP has compiled information from NIH on preparing DMS plans, research subject to the new NIH DMS Policy, and requesting and justifying costs for DMS. Information is available here:

Working closely with the NIH, the Federal Demonstration PartnershipExternal Web Site Policy (FDP) – an association of federal agencies, research policy organizations, and academic research institutions – invites feedback from researchers by participating in a pilot of DMS plan templates. For more information, visit the NIH’s Extramural Nexus postExternal Web Site Policy and FDP website.


NCI’s Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) – U54

On November 24, 2023, the NCI released a notice of intent to publish a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for a Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) in cancer health disparities and minority health. This program will support a network of multidisciplinary, multi-institutional U54 SPOREs – multi-project awards focusing uniquely on health disparities and/or minority health translational research to improve cancer care for underserved populations.

The goals of the proposed research may vary widely and addresses for example:

Visit the website (NOT-CA-24-008External Web Site Policy) for more information on this highly competitive NOFO. The due date for applications is September 25, 2024.

HDRP Funding Opportunities

This section includes links to new highlighted NOFOs on healthcare delivery research published since the last edition of this newsletter. For a complete list of NOFOs, visit our funding opportunities webpage.

Announcement Title Announcement Number Expiration Date
NOSI: Addressing Cancer-Related Financial Hardship to Improve Patient Outcomes NOT-CA-22-045External Web Site Policy March 1, 2024
NOSI: Telehealth in Cancer Care NOT-CA-21-043External Web Site Policy March 8, 2024
NOSI: New Information Technology-Enabled Care Delivery Models to Improve Depression Care in Cancer NOT-CA-21-085External Web Site Policy March 8, 2024
Resource Center for Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-AT-24-006External Web Site Policy April 17, 2024
Coordinating Center to Support Multi-Sectoral Preventive Interventions that Address Social Determinants of Health in Populations that Experience Health Disparities (U24, Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-OD-24-006External Web Site Policy August 6, 2024
Cancer Prevention and Control Clinical Trials Planning Grant Program (R34 Clinical Trials Optional) PAR-22-173External Web Site Policy September 8, 2025
Cancer Prevention and Control Clinical Trials Planning Grant Program (U34 Clinical Trials Optional) PAR-22-174External Web Site Policy September 8, 2025

Data & Other Resources

SEER-CAHPS Data Available!

SEER-CAHPS is a publicly accessible data resource developed to enable investigators to conduct research on patient-reported experiences and quality of cancer care. These data provide a rich opportunity for analyses of Medicare beneficiaries’ experiences with their care at various stages of the cancer care continuum.

The SEER-CAHPS data resource was last updated in 2023 and includes the following years of data:

Updated SEER-MHOS Data Available!

The SEER-MHOS is a data resource for cancer health outcomes research. It is based on a linkage between SEER cancer registry data and the CMS Health Outcomes SurveyExternal Web Site Policy.

The SEER-MHOS team is excited to announce that the most recent linkage was completed in 2023. It contains data from 22 SEER registries. The data resource currently spans from 1998 through 2021. Over 900,000 survey respondents without cancer in the same geographic areas are included as a non-cancer comparison group.

Updated SEER-Medicare Data Available!

SEER-Medicare data reflects the linkage of two large population-based sources of data that provide detailed information about Medicare beneficiaries with cancer.

The SEER-Medicare team has recently updated the years of data in this data resource to include all Medicare eligible persons appearing in the SEER data who were diagnosed with cancer through 2019, and their Medicare claims through 2020.

For additional information on SEER-linked data and other tools and resources, visit our Data & Tools page.

HDRP News You Can Use!

Employment Opportunities

Chief, Healthcare Assessment Research Branch (HARB)

NCI welcomes letters of interest to serve as Chief of the Healthcare Assessment Research Branch (HARB) within the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS). Please visit our HARB webpage for more information on HARB’s mission and vision.

Letters of interest and CVs are encouraged from clinical, health services, and public health researchers with a strong record of scholarship in relevant areas, supervisory experience, and familiarity with the extramural community. Materials should be submitted to NCIHDRP@mail.nih.gov by April 1, 2024, with “HARB Chief” as the email subject line.

Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA): Healthcare Assessment Research Branch (HARB)

The CRTA Fellow would work on projects within HARB that are directly related to the branch’s research priorities, including enhancements to SEER-Medicare and SEER-Medicaid, developing novel linkages between SEER and other sources of data, and more. The future Fellow would have opportunities to collaborate on manuscripts, lead their own research projects, as well as support other branch research initiatives as needed.

The branch welcomes interested candidates for this full-time, paid post-doctoral fellowship based in Rockville, MD.

Training Opportunities

The training section of our website provides information on NIH/NCI-relevant opportunities. Visit to learn more about the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program, the Presidential Management Fellows Program, as well as the Health Communications Internship Program.

Stay Connected!

Last Updated: 19 Feb, 2025