Healthcare Teams Cyber Discussions

Advanced Practice Providers Across the Cancer Continuum:
Insight & Opportunities from Healthcare Delivery Research

Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) have a critical and still changing role in the ever-evolving landscape of cancer care and research. Over 80% of oncology practices use APPs, yet APP practice regulations vary widely across states, team-based practice models that incorporate APPs vary widely, and high-quality evidence to inform regulations or practice models is surprisingly limited. Existing workforce evidence clearly demonstrates, however, that increased incorporation of APPs is critical to addressing oncology workforce shortages and to addressing inequities in care access. In recognition of the key questions that remain to be answered, NCI has developed this 2-part webinar series to engage subject matter experts in discussion of opportunities and gaps in healthcare delivery research.

Understanding the importance of including APPs on cancer care and research teams is imperative to foster a more comprehensive and patient-centric approach to cancer management. APPs, including nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinical nurse specialists, advanced degree nurses and pharmacists, possess unique skill sets and specialized training, making them indispensable members of the healthcare team. With their ability to provide holistic care, close patient-provider relationships, and advanced clinical expertise, incorporating APPs can significantly enhance patient outcomes, satisfaction, and overall quality of care.

In cancer care, the inclusion of APPs on multidisciplinary teams holds great promise. These practitioners bring a wealth of clinical experience, which complements the expertise of physicians and researchers. APPs also bring extensive data collection and patient interaction skills, which can lead to improved study design, recruitment strategies, and patient engagement. The webinar series will highlight successful collaborations and showcase how APPs contribute to more efficient clinical trials and translational research, ultimately accelerating the pace of discoveries in cancer treatments and care methodologies.

The series will also identify unique challenges faced by APPs working at different phases of the cancer care continuum. By acknowledging the crucial role APPs play in cancer care and research, NCI can foster a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages innovation, teamwork, and a collective drive towards improving cancer outcomes for all patients.

Health services researchers, cancer care clinicians, and patients are invited to join the webinar series.

For previous discussions, visit the Events page to view an archived list of events.

Last Updated: 30 May, 2024