Prevention, Cancer Screening, and Early Diagnosis
Prevention, screening, and other strategies for early detection can reduce the burden of cancer. Cancer can be prevented through lifestyle changes that decrease risk and vaccines for cancer-causing infections. Cancer screening and early diagnosis of symptomatic disease can identify cancers at early stages when they are more easily treated. HDRP funds research to improve health care delivery practices that support evidence-based cancer prevention, screen detection, and early diagnosis.
Prevention: Vaccination
HPV vaccination offers protection against the human papillomavirus—a common virus with the potential to lead to various cancers. HDRP engages in a tapestry of research initiatives to promote HPV vaccination, recognizing its profound impact in reducing the burden of cervical cancer and other associated malignancies.
Cancer Screening
HDRP studies and funds research on efforts to examine and improve the delivery of cancer screening services. Screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer are of most interest.
Early Diagnosis
Early diagnosis is an emerging area of interest within HDRP. Given that less than half of all cancers in the United States are detected through screening – and that many cancers are detected after patients present with signs or symptoms of their cancer – early diagnosis plays an important role in improving prognosis.